In general, you should take medicine
when you feel hungry. It means that you should take medicine about 1 hour
before meal or 2 hours later because foods make absorption of new medicines
However, there are some special cases, for
example, Polivitamin tablet should be taken in eating process because at that
time, the body will absorb better. Specifically, you should ask doctor to know that
medicine is taken when you feel hungry, you are eating or after that.

should ask doctor to know that medicine is taken when you feel hungry, you are
eating or after that.
You should read leaflet that is attached.
In addition, you should also ask about what kinds of food that you should
abstain or limit in the time of taking medicine in prescription. You can refer
to some following examples:
Some notes in treatment
Fruit juice and lemon juice
They are wonderful source to provide body
with vitamin. However, when you are taking medicine to prevent allergy and most
of specific to reduce blood fat, you shouldn’t drink fruit juices especially
grapefruit juice, orange juice, lemon juice…

shouldn’t drink fruit juices in the time when you are taking medicine to
prevent allergy.
Sometimes, you can drink; however, you must
drink 2 hours after meal to cases that have to be cured in a long time.
Unexpected reactions: the above fruits (and juice) contain flavonoid compound that
affects metabolism to new medicines that are told in liver - it can lead to
increase about 3-5 times concentration of medicine in blood.
If you use fruit juices to take medicine (especially
grapefruit juice), you will meet some unexpected effects such as heart rate’s
disorder, headache or reduce blood pressure accidentally. So, the best way is
that you should all of the new medicines with water that is boiled and cooled.
Milk and products from milk
Milk contains a lot of calcium component
that is used to consolidate teeth and bones. However, when you take antibiotic
medicine, you should abstain or limit habit of using milk and finished products
from milk (cheese, yoghurt) with a maximum rate.
Unexpected reactions: Calcium reacts with antibiotic medicine and creates calcium salt
that cannot melt in water. Consequently, medicine is absorbed one part through
digestive system or is eliminated completely. As a result, effect is reduced
remarkably and even no.
Time of curing can last and maybe it
doesn’t bring expected effects. If you are crave for, for example, yoghurt, you
can drink it about 2 hours that is between taking medicine and meal.
Fats that have origin of animal
Our body needs it with little quantity to
produce hormones such as estrogen or a catalyst. These substances help body
absorb vitamins that can melt in fat (A, D, E, K).
However, if you take medicine to reduce
blood pressure and adjust disorder of heart rate in the time that your menu has
a lot of fats having origin of animal (fat meat, pork fat, butter), fat will
make absorption of medicine increase.
Unexpected reactions: Taking antiarrhythmic before, in, after meal that is rich in animal
fat can make heart rate slow and cause hypotension. In chronic treatment,
sometimes, people allow eating something that is greasy; however, you must take
medicine 1.5 hours before meal and 2 hours after meal that is illegal.
You shouldn’t drink tea (especially black
tea, brown tea and limit green tea with maximum rate) in the time that you have
to take iron pills.
Unexpected reactions: Tannin compound in tea inhibits absorption of Fe in body.
Therefore, drinking tea in the time that you need to provide Fe will be bad and
have no effect. If you crave for tea, you can drink it at least 1.5 hours after
taking medicine.
Coffee and drinks that have caffeine
Coffee and these stimulating drinks are not
ally with medicines that are used to treat asthma and bronchitis.
Unexpected reactions: Coffee (and drinks contain caffeine, for example, Coca Cola) can
make effect of this new medicine increase.
Medicine contains Teofiline compound that
affects sensory perception in cardiovascular system. It is similar to caffeine.
If you drink coffee or drinks containing caffeine in the time that you take
medicine to treat asthma and bronchitis, you will meet effect of overdose:
headache, worry and disorder of heart rate. If you crave for it, you can drink
a small glass/day and it is far away the time of taking medicine 60 minutes.
Banana, avocado
Which characteristics are they similar to?
Tyramine. The riper they are, the more this compound is. While Tyramine is
enemy of some new medicines and antidepressant is among them.
Unexpected reactions: Eating banana, avocado before or after taking medicine can lead to
state of high blood pressure or headache.

banana before or after taking medicine can lead to state of high blood
Some notes in taking medicine
The best way is that you should take
medicine with water that is boiled and make cool.
Don’t take medicine with wine because a
dangerous interactive reaction to health will take place. In addition, it even
causes death.
You shouldn’t take medicine with hot water because
it can destroy coating film of tablets or make caplet melt before they approach
to stomach or bowel where medicine is absorbed by body.