Many people, with the hope or even the desire to lose weight,
even apply very weird ways.
Eat in front of a mirror

Eating in front of
a mirror seems to be a popular way to lose weight
Researchers from Arizona State University and Erasmus
Rotterdam have found that when you eat in front of a mirror, you will digest
slower and eat less than usual. In their experiments, researchers placed a
mirror in front of participants and what they found was that: those who ate in
front of a mirror tended to consume less food than those who don’t. Researchers
explained this is because seeing us eating makes us more aware of our body and
that we do not want to see ourselves eating too much.
Eat in front of a man you like
If you want to cut down your food consumption level, the
best way is to eat with a man, especially with the man you like. Researchers
from Indiana Pennsylvania University and Akron University found that both men
and women absorb fewer calories when eating with an opposite sex. They said
that we will become more aware of our gender when eating in front of a man or
woman from opposite sex. This is especially useful for women as this will help
them eat in a more feminine way, which means they’ll eat less and slower than
Wear tight clothes when eating
Eating in a tight cloth or a bikini will help you to
restraint food cravings. Especially, always keep in mind that you shouldn’t eat
in your baggy pajamas. This is actually quite understandable because once you
can see every fat layer on your body clearly, usually you’ll be afraid to add
nutrients into your body.

Once you can see
every fat layer on your body clearly, usually, you’ll be afraid to add
nutrients into your body.
Smoke while eating
To a lot of people who want to lose weight, smoking has
become an effective way. When you smoke, your taste buds become less sensitive;
this inhibits your food cravings and also burns calories in your body. However,
smoking is very harmful, so scientists recommended that you shouldn’t use this
“super weird” way to lose weight.
Add chili to your food
Pungency not only helps you digest faster but also limits
you from uncontrollable eating. So, if you can’t eat spicy foods, then you
should add chili to your food. Chili can temporarily numb your taste buds, and
a little burning on your tongue will discourage you from eating more.
Attach plastic to your tongue
Attaching plastic to tongue is an invention of an American
surgeon. It will cost you about $2,000 for a 10-minute lasting surgery to attach
a thin plastic mesh on your tongue. This mesh of plastic will cause pain when
you eat. Therefore, people who attached with this plastic mesh start to fear of
eating. This is a kind of way that very few people dare to try for its fright
and pain.
Eat animal foods

Eating animal food
helps you lose weight as it contains fewer calories than normal food
The cause of weight gain is mainly because you usually feel
hungry; as a result, you eat too much food. To improve this, you should try
eating animal foods like rabbit food or cat food. Compared to human food,
animal food contains fewer calories, so it may help you temporary forget the
feeling of being hungry.