Fetuses have fingertips at the 13th
week of pregnancy and have dreams at the 17th week.
Fetuses will have the size of a peach in
the first 3 months, increase height in the 3 medium ones and have the height
and weight increased at the 30th week: they’ll weigh 1.5kg and look
like complete infants. In 15 weeks of the stage (from week 13th to week 28th),
while pregnant women have changes in their bodies, fetuses have surprisingly
rapid developments….
Pregnant women’s changes
This is the period of time pregnant women
have the most increase in weight (it’s often 6kg) but, fetuses just gain 1kg.
The rest is used for the complements like the developments of placental,
amniotic fluid, caused by the growths of the uterus, the blood increase in
breast and water increase in the body.

is the stage that pregnant women will have their weight increased 0.5kg per
week, which protect fetal developments.
Your stored fat in the body will increase
at the same speed of fetal weight increase.
You’ll have a little misjudge in the focus
because of the development of the uterus and the fact you have to carry a bump
in front.
This is also the time your heartbeat
increase doubly to meet the need of the increased blood amount supporting the
developments of organs. The blood that is provided for the uterus and skin
increase 100%, one for the kidneys increases 25%. Besides, you can touch the
uterus as the growing fetus makes it bigger, go out of the pelvic frame and up
to the abdominal area. From the second half time of pregnancy, the uteruses of
pregnant women start growing 1cm a week.
Surprising findings about fetuses
At 13th week, fetuses have their
distinctive fingertips and have the size of a big peach. Fetuses also have
eyes, nose and the fuzz covering their body, which is a way to keep the body
At 14th week, fetuses can smile,
knit their brows, bend their body, limps and hiccup sometimes. Though the
eyelids still close, they can feel light and darkness if you lead the light
directly to the bump. In that case, fetuses will realize a red warm light
coming in. Also, this is the time fetal cords fully grow and have the 3 blood
vessels: a vein for oxygen and nutrition transportations; 2 smaller veins
contain less oxygen and transfer waste to the fetuses for excretions.
In the stage, the leavens of 32 permanent
teeth are also shown up on both jaws and the genitals are formed.

fetuses have fingertips at the 13th week and have leavens of 32
teeth in both jaws at the 14th week of pregnancy.
In 17th week, fetuses have
dreams. It’s been proved that children had more dreams when they were fetuses
than they do when born. Especially, they have more dreams than adults.
In 20th week, fetuses have
weight and length equaling to a banana’s. Children can also taste foods that
you’ve eaten through the amniotic fluid and distinguish bitter and sweet
In 22nd week, fetal growth
speeds (not including weight) decrease gradually but get matured in other
sides. Fetal body starts building resistance system with an origin immune
system helping fetuses avoid infections at some levels. The most surprising
thing is their genital developments. The tunica of male fetuses is stable and
the ovaries of female fetuses have contained 7 million eggs. The number of age
will decrease to 2 million when they are born. At puberty, girls just have
round 200,000-600,000 eggs and will have 400-500 ovulations during maturity;
the ovulations happen cyclically: there’s 1 egg fallen a month.
This is also the time the milk teeth
formed; however, they’re still hidden under the gum. Fetuses can hear the
sounds of blood flows, heartbeats and boiling stomachs. From the moment on,
fetuses start hearing sounds from the outside and have the ability to react to
sounds, rhythms and gentle music. Therefore, pregnant women should try talking
to them so that fetuses can be more familiar to the voices of their parents.

you talk to fetuses usually, they will feel safer and more confident when
hearing your voice after they’re born.
The 24th week is considered to
be an important time of pregnancy because there’ll be more chances of survival
(about 39%) if fetuses are born at this time. Fetal brain is also developed
with the brainwave is as well as ones of real infants. Many researches have
shown that fetuses have already had the beginning of thoughts and memories at
this time. They’re also able to distinguish voices of their fathers and
mothers, and remember songs that they were used to listen to. They wake up and
sleep as infants but with different sleep-wake cycles from ones of their
In the 26th week: Fetuses start
practicing first breathing lessons, preparing for the later developments when
they are no longer in the womb. In their lungs, the alveoli starts increasing
in the numbers and keeps developing till they are 8 years old.