Those foods will help pregnant women have a
healthy pregnancy and the best fetal developments.
All pregnant women want to have a healthy
pregnancy and want their children well developed. To archive the wish, it’s
necessary to have a healthy regimen. However, not every woman is able to choose
the best foods. Healthy foods will help pregnant women prevent from gestational
diabetes, body pain, swelling… during pregnancy.
The followings are 9 foods that pregnant
women should add to their daily regimens.
Nuts and seeds

foods are rich in fat, protein, fat, omega 3…
Nuts and seeds like chestnuts, pumpkin
seeds and sunflower seeds… bring many benefits to pregnant women’s health.
Those foods are rich in fat, protein, fat, omega 3… Besides, the nutrients in
the seeds can help fetal brain cells develop. Pregnant women should combine
those seeds and nuts to their daily regimen with other foods, such as
spaghetti, sterilized salad…

is good for the development of fetal eyes, teeth and bone.
Carrot is good for the development of fetal
eyes, teeth and bone. Besides, carrot is also rich in fiber and able to prevent
gestational constipation. Therefore, pregnant women should add the food to
their regimens.

avocado will help pregnant women reduce the vomiting and nausea.
If you have to struggle from morning
sickness, you should have avocadoes daily. The avocado will help pregnant women
reduce the vomiting and nausea. Moreover, the avocado also contains over 14
vitamins and minerals including folate, calcium, iron, bronze, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese and selenium.
Eating avocadoes or avocado smoothie during
pregnancy can help prevent fetal defects, increase resistance for pregnant
women and prevent them from gestational diabetes.

egg contains omega-3 fatty acid and DHA.
Egg is a rich source of protein and very
good for pregnant women and fetuses. Besides, the egg contains omega-3 fatty
acid and DHA which are essential to fetal developments of brain and eyes.
Nonetheless, to avoid the risks, pregnant women should eat cooked eggs.

has a greater amount of calcium than normal milk.
Yogurt has a greater amount of calcium than
normal milk and has other nutrients like vitamin B, protein and zinc.
Calcium is very necessary to bones and
teeth of pregnant women as well as fetuses. Being well provided with calcium in
the regimens can help pregnant women reduce the risk of low birth weight and premature
birth. If pregnant women are lack of calcium during pregnancy, the future
babies will easily have osteoporosis.

lentil is a wonderful source of protein, iron, fiber, folate and calcium.
If you are vegetarians or simply don’t like
meat, lentils and bean products are the perfect choices. The lentil is a
wonderful source of protein, iron, fiber, folate and calcium. The lentil is
good for pregnant women as it contains nutritious components found in animal
products. Beans are also rich in zinc – a necessary mineral that will help
reduce the risk of premature birth, low birth weight or long labor. There’re
other foods that have plenty of zinc are chicken, milk, cereal, cashew nuts,
pea, crab and oyster.

can eat fresh mango or mango smoothie which is very tasty.
If you’re a fan of the fruit, don’t
hesitate choosing it. This is a great fruit to eat during pregnancy. The mango
has lots of vitamin A, C and potassium. You can eat fresh mango or mango
smoothie which is very tasty.
Sweet potatoes

food also contains bronze which is a mineral that brings the body better iron
The sweet potato contains fiber, vitamin
B6, potassium, vitamin C, iron and bronze. Besides, it is a rich source of beta
carotene – an antioxidant that will be transferred to vitamin A. Vitamin A
plays a great role in fetal developments of eyes, bones, and skin.
Additionally, sweet potatoes provide the
amount of iron that is lack in the body during pregnancy. The food also
contains bronze which is a mineral that brings the body better iron absorption.
There’re many scientific evidences showing that sweet potatoes help pregnant
women reduce constipation - a popular disease in pregnancy.

oat is one of the best foods to be eaten in pregnancy.
The oat is one of the best foods to be
eaten in pregnancy, especially to pregnant women who have regular constipation.
Oats contain lots of fibers, vitamin B and many essential minerals.
You can eat oats for breakfast. Don’t
forget to put oats in daily meals.