This mindful new workout is designed
to give you strength, flexibility and (yes!) a less painful and more peaceful
Oh, to be a card-carrying member of the
"I love being pregnant!" club: free from aches and pains and
perpetually glowing. Alas, for many women, the reality tends to be more like a
hormonally charged ride to crazy town, complete with morning sickness, memory
loss and mounting discomfort. But what if we gave you the tools to turn that
ride around?

mindful new workout is designed to give you strength, flexibility and (yes!) a
less painful and more peaceful pregnancy
"Based on four mindful movement principles-breath,
support, yield and flow-ZEN•GA is a unique blend of dance, meditation, Pilates
and yoga that increases strength and which will translate to less stress
on the joints," says P.J. O'Clair, a Merrithew Health & Fitness Master
Instructor Trainer in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass., who created this workout
exclusively for Fit Pregnancy. That all equals improved balance and
stability-especially important when you've got a growing belly throwing you
off-kilter-as well as fewer muscle aches and pains. "The breath work in
ZEN•GA will help with lower back discomfort and shoulder and neck tension, and
this will help you feel more centered and in control," O'Clair adds.
Indeed, a study published in the journal of
Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing found that women who practiced
mindfulness-based prenatal yoga in particular reported reductions in pain,
stress and anxiety. Translation? Practice these moves two to three times a week
and you might just join the pregnancy-lovers' club after all.
For this workout, you'll need a mat and a
soft exercise ball (approximately 35 centimeters). Warm up with Chi Lunges:
Stand with your legs together, arms at your sides. Take a wide step to your
right, bending your right knee and sweeping your right arm to the side. Return
to starting position and repeat with your left foot, bending your left knee. Do
32 lunges, total.
1. Open heart warrior
Stand with your hips and shoulders facing
forward. Step forward with your left leg, keeping your right leg back and
straight, heel down and toes turned out. Reach your arms straight up and
lengthen your spine [A]. Inhale as you bend your left knee, opening your arms
to your sides. Lift your chest up, extending the upper spine [B]. Exhale and
raise your arms to return to starting position. Repeat 3 to 5 times, then
switch sides.

heart warrior
Strengthens legs; improves balance and stability
2. Chair pose with rotation
Begin by standing tall with your arms by
your sides, feet wider than hip- width apart for balance. Inhale as you bend
your knees and squat down as you would to sit in a chair, reaching your arms up
[A]. Exhale and stand up tall as you straighten your legs, lifting your left
knee up to hip height. Rotate your torso to the left, opening your arms out to the
sides at shoulder height, palms up [B]. Return to starting position, then
switch legs and repeat for 3 to 6 times total.

pose with rotation
Strengthens legs, core and back; improves overall balance and coordination
3. Supported plank
Come to an all-fours position and place
your forearms on the floor, palms down. Position a ball under your pelvis, just
below your belly. As you straighten your legs and curl your toes under, the
ball should come to rest below your belly or on your upper thighs. (Carry your
weight with your arms and legs; the ball will help support your core muscles.)
Inhale and place your knees on the floor, then exhale as you straighten your
legs and lengthen your spine, keeping your butt and abs tight. Lower your knees
and repeat 3 to 5 times.

Strengthens the upper body, core and legs and improves posture and alignment
4. Sweeping mermaid
Sit on your right hip, legs bent and to the
left. Raise your arms to shoulder level, elbows bent, palms facing in and
fingers together. Inhale and turn your torso to the left as you lengthen your
spine for one full breath [A]. Exhale as you return to the starting position
and place your right hand on the ground as you circle your left arm up and
over- head to stretch your torso [B]. Repeat 3 to S times, then switch sides.

Stretches the torso and strengthens the core, relieving aches
5. Side breathing
Sit on your right hip with legs bent and to
the left. Rest your right side on the ball for sup- port. Placing your right
forearm on the ground, reach your left arm up and overhead with your chest
lifted and back straight. Inhale as you lengthen through your spine, exhale as
you allow your weight to sink into the ball, actively reaching through your
left arm [shown]. Repeat 3 to 4 times, then switch sides.

Stretches the torso and improves posture