Let’s equip with basic knowledge to prevent
and cure flu.
3 truths about flu
First of all, flu is a general syndrome
that infects through respiratory system, and viruses cause this disease. More
than 100 types of virus can cause flu. Secondly, flu often lasts 1 week whether
you take medicine or not. Starting point of flu is one day before appearance of
the symptom. At this time, viruses causing disease stay in your body.
Exactly, viruses that cause flu can exit in
your body from 18 to 48 hours, after that they will spread with signs such as
inflamed throat, sneezing, having water in nose, and tired body. Many people
think that cold weather causes flu; however, this thing isn’t true. Although
you wear fewer sweaters, walk barefoot on cold land and let your hair wet after
washing to go out, these things are not reasons. However, they can make your
resistance reduce and give the good chance for viruses break into your body.
You can easily get flu when the weather is dry. At this time, your body lack
water, and mucous membrane will lose the ability of preventing viruses that
cause disease in your body.
9 necessary things that you should do when getting flu
Many people don’t know that flu doesn’t
need to be cured. Consequently, they are hurry in buying antibiotic medicine to
drink. However, antibiotic medicine cannot kill viruses that cause disease. The
main effect of flu medicine is to reduce the symptoms of flu, make you feel
more pleasant but not reduce the time of getting flu. What will we do after having
got flu? You should do 9 following things immediately:
Let’s find a bed
You should take a rest when you have got
flu. You shouldn’t go to work or force yourself to meet your friends, go out or
play sport. At this time, sleeping is the best medicine and you must ensure
that you sleep 8 hours a day. If it is possible, you can ask for leave in 1 or
2 days, so you cannot infect other people.
Provide vitamin C
Although you provide vitamin C or eat
fruits containing vitamin C such as apples, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits….
They help reduce the symptoms of flu. Normally, fruits that have sour taste
will contain a lot of vitamin C. Drinking orange juice to provide vitamin C
also helps reduce the unpleasant feeling in your mouth.

orange juice to provide vitamin C also helps reduce the unpleasant feeling in
your mouth.
Eat some chocolate candy
According to the research of London
University (British), chocolate candy not only provides with antioxidants but
also cure coughing effectively because it contains theobromine.
Turn on the machine that creates humidity
Dry weather can make you respiratory track
become unpleasant. Turning on the machine creating humidity will help you feel
more pleasant in the room. You should clean this machine before using and avoid
the case that viruses in machine will distribute in the room.
Use a big glass
Ensure to drink about 2000ml of water every
Avoid the foods from milk, cheese
They are the foods that are difficult to
digest. You shouldn’t eat, but you can drink a little of cow’s milk or yoghurt.
Use candy that is used to cure coughing
Although it cannot prevent viruses, it can
help reduce the symptoms of flu and help you feel pleasant more.
Eating soup or hot soup is very good
Especially, the hot soup with perilla
reduces both getting flu and having a runny nose well.

hot soup with perilla reduces both getting flu and having a runny nose well.
Be patient until you don’t get flu any
In one week, you will be healthy again. But
you must pay attention that if you get flu seriously in the second or third
day, you should go to see doctor, especially children.

must pay attention that if you get flu seriously in the second or third day,
you should go to see doctor, especially to children.
Ways to deal with 3 popular symptoms of flu
Although flu isn’t a serious disease, we
will feel unpleasant if it lasts longer. Consequently, when we have sore throat
or a runny nose, we should know how to treat it.
If you have sore throat, you should gargle
with warm weak bittern. It will help you reduce sore throat effectively. We should
gargle again after 6-8 hours. We shouldn’t use mouthwash with stimulant because
they will make our mouth dry. If we get hoarse, we should avoid saying loudly.
If you cough, you should hold honey in your
mouth or take medicine to treat coughing. They will help you reduce coughing.
And if you cough too much, it will affect your sleep and make you have
If you feel stuffy, you can breathe in
boiling water, peppermint oil or hot soup. They will help you decongest. When
you blow your nose, you should use soft paper to clean and avoid rubbing and
make your nose burning. You shouldn’t blow your nose strongly because it can be
harmful to eardrum. If you can blow your nose, you can use nose drops.