A new survey shows that only 46 percent of Americans intend
to get the vaccine this season. Here’s a look at some common cop-outs-and why
it’s time to change your thinking.
Your reasoning: “Last year it gave me the flu.”
The reality
You may be convinced this happened, but it’s impossible.
While the injection contains proteins from several strains of the virus (which
prompts your body to make antibodies against them), they’ve been killed off and
are incapable of making you ill. The more likely scenario is that you were
already exposed to the flu before you got vaccinated, or you caught a different
viral infection. Another possibility: You had a mild reaction to the shot.
“Some people feel achy and develop a low-grade fever, which actually may be a
sign that their immune system is healthy and responsive,” says a vice chair of
the department of infectious disease at the Cleveland Clinic.

The more likely
scenario is that you were already exposed to the flu before you got vaccinated,
or you caught a different viral infection.
Your reasoning: “I hate needles.”
The reality
If the “ouch” is what bugs you, ask your doctor about
Fluzone Intradermal, the micro-needle version. Unlike traditional flu shots,
which penetrate the muscle, this tiny needle goes just under the skin-so you’ll
barely feel it.
The truly needle-phobic can opt for a nasal spray like
FluMist. To be eligible for it, you must be healthy, not pregnant, and between
ages 2 and 49.
Your reasoning: “I’m allergic to eggs.”
The reality
It’s true that most of the influenza viruses for vaccines
are grown inside eggs, but unless you’re severely allergic-meaning a few bites
would send you into anaphylaxis-they’re unlikely to cause you any problems,
says Rehm. For the super-sensitive, there are now two totally egg-free vaccines
on the market: Flucelvax and Flublok.

For the
super-sensitive, there are now two totally egg-free vaccines on the market:
Flucelvax and Flublok.
Your reasoning: “I’m young and healthy; it wouldn’t be a big deal if I
caught the flu.”
The reality
While kids, seniors, and people with compromised immune
systems are most susceptible to severe flu complications, people of all ages
end up hospitalized each year. “There’s no way to predict how bad this season
will be,” says Rehm. “In some years, as many as 40,000 people have died.” Even
if you’re person-ally willing to take the risk, consider the bigger picture:
Women in their 30s and 40s tend to be in contact with kids and older people a
lot, says Rehm. “Getting vaccinated protects you as well as those around you.”

vaccinated protects you as well as those around you.”
Your reasoning: “I don’t have time.”
The reality
Getting the vaccine nowadays is incredibly convenient.
Numerous drugstore chains (like Walgreens and CVS), big box stores (including
Target and Walmart), and even supermarkets (such as Safeway) have pharmacists
or nurses who are trained to administer it-no appointment required. Some towns
even organize drive-through flu clinics; you just roll down your window and
stick out your arm. Experts say the location doesn’t matter: Just get one