Your body is a clever thing. No matter how
hard you work in the gym, it always finds a way to make life as easy as
possible. So, even if you’re hitting the dumbbells, treadmill and kettle bells
hard, you may not be seeing the results you want. The answer? Do something
different - and that’s where this unique workout comes in.
If you think sun-drenched beaches are the
only place sand belongs, think again. Training with sandbags is a great way to
shock your body into revving up its fat burn, and it’ll boost the fun factor,
too - especially if you’re bored of exercising with the same old kit.
Unlike a solid weight, nothing holds the sand
in place in these bags. It can run freely, so the weight distribution of the
sandbag is constantly changing - meaning your body has to stabilize itself
throughout each move. This means you probably won’t be able to lift a sandbag
that’s as heavy as your regular iron weights, but it does mean you have to work
extra hard to perform the move properly - and engage your core! It’s tough, but
a good kind of tough - the kind that gets you in the best shape of your life,
How to do it
Perform one set of each of the sandbag
exercises, then rest for around 60-90 seconds. Repeat this sequence until you
have completed the required number of sets for your level. Then perform one set
of each of the sand-bell exercises, resting for around 60-90 seconds when you’ve
finished. Repeat this sequence until you have completed the required number of
sets for your level with the sand-bell.
Beginner: 2x8 reps
Intermediate: 4 x 8 reps
Advanced: 4 x 12 reps
Deadlift and throw
Areas trained: bottom, thighs, back, shoulders

and throw
With the sandbag on the floor in front of you,
bend at your hips and knees, pushing your bottom back to pick up the bag with
one hand on either side.
Lift it to rest it over one shoulder, then
immediately throw it down in front of you.
Repeat on the other shoulder.
Safety tip: Keep your chest forward and
shoulders back throughout
Front squat
Areas trained: front thighs, bottom

Hold a sandbag by the handles across the front
of your chest, with your arms around it and elbows up.
Bend at your hips and knees to lower yourself to
the ground as far as you find comfortable, pushing your bottom back.
Push up through your heels to the start position
and repeat.
Overhead swing
Areas trained: stomach, sides of stomach, shoulders

Hold a sandbag by the handles to one side,
turning your upper body towards the bag and leaning forward.
In one swift movement, swing the sandbag
diagonally overhead, then allow it to swing back down to the start.
Continue into another rep. Change sides with
each set.
Good morning
Areas trained: back, bottom, rear thighs

Rest the sandbag across your shoulders, holding
it by the handles.
With your knees soft and shoulders back, hinge
at your hips, pushing your bottom back until your upper body is parallel with
the floor.
Return to the start and repeat.
Safety tip:
Try to keep your spine neutral
Areas trained: thighs, bottom, upper back,
shoulders, front upper arms

Hold the sandbag by the handles in front of your
shins. Let the bag hang down and allow your knees to bend slightly. Keep your
chest up.
Row the bag up toward your chin as you
straighten up, rotating your grip to bring your body and elbows under the bag.
Catch the bag at your shoulders, bending your knees as you do so.
Reverse the movement to lower the bag back to
the start position and repeat.
Safety tip:
Push through your legs to lift the bag
Lunge with wood-chop
Areas trained: Thighs, bottom, sides of stomach

with wood-chop
Start standing with your feet together, holding
the sand-bell.
Take a big step forward into a lunge with your
right leg and rotate your body to bring the sand-bell to your right.
Push back to the start and repeat on the opposite
Areas trained: stomach, core

Start standing, holding the sand-bell overhead.
Crunch your body to throw the sand bell to the
floor, as hard as you possibly can.
Retrieve the sand-bell and repeat the exercise.
Safety tip:
Keep your abs tight as you throw the sand-bell
Area trained: Shoulders

Hold a sand-bell in front of your chest with
both hands.
Rotate the sand bell around your head in a
circular motion for the allotted number of reps.
Change the direction of the movement with each
Sumo sledgehammer
Areas trained: inner thighs, bottom, shoulders, core, stomach

Start with your feet wide, toes pointing out,
holding a sand-bell above your head.
Bend your knees to lower your bottom to the
floor as you bring the sand-bell between your legs, keeping your arms straight
as you do so.
Return to the start and repeat the exercise to
complete a set.
Safety tip:
keep your abs tight and don’t arch your back
Russian twist
Areas trained: core, sides of stomach

Sit on the floor with your upper body slightly
reclined and your feet resting on the floor, holding the sand-bell in front of
your chest.
Rotate your body to bring the sand-bell to one
side, until it almost touches the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Repeat this sequence in a fluid motion for the
required reps.
Safety tip:
Keep your tummy engaged as you twist
Exercise: Body Blitz
3 Fat-burning fitness rules
Use these tips to put your fat loss in the
fast lane
Do compound exercises
Working your bigger muscle groups and
performing exercises that target several areas of your body at once ensures a
higher fat burn, as you will be recruiting more muscle mass.
Focus on tempo
Don’t rush through the lowering part of an
exercise. By putting your muscles under tension, rather than allowing gravity
to do the work, you’re forcing them to build. Building muscle helps to speed
your metabolism - and burn fat!
Don’t rest for too long
Of course you need time to recover (it’s
important to rest so you can make the next set count), but only take short
breaks between sets to keep your heart rate up and ensure the workout hits the
right intensity.