A healthy and perfect diet will help
pregnant women avoid gaining weight and help fetus have enough nutrients.
Becoming pregnant is a normally
physiological phenomenon of most women. However, the demand about nutrition in
this period will increase highly. The things that you eat in 9 months of
pregnancy are extremely important because those nutrients will have direct
effect on fetus. Therefore, experts always advise pregnant women to have
healthy diet and diet that is rich of nutrients to gain weight with standard
and help fetus develop best.

always advise pregnant women to have healthy diet and diet that is rich of
The standard weight in pregnancy
To help fetus develop healthily, pregnant women
need to provide more 300 calories every day to women that operate normally and
higher a little to pregnant women that exercise more. Besides calorie, pregnant
women need to provide about 50% kinds of vitamin and mineral. In addition, they
also need 10 grams of protein every day to support for the development of
fetus, placenta, juice of cell of mothers.
The amount of calories that needs to be
provided every day must be sufficient to help pregnant women gain the level of
standard weight about 11-13 kg during pregnancy. Before becoming pregnant, if
your weigh is 40-42kg, you need to gain 14-16 kilograms. Normally, in the first
quarter of pregnancy, pregnant women should only increase 1-2 kilograms. From
the 4th month of pregnancy, you should only increase about
0.3-0.5kg/week. Gaining weight regularly of mothers is the sign that shows that
you have diet that has enough nutrients and is scientific.
You have question that how the weight that
increase will be apportioned. We will share with mothers:
Fetus: 3.2-3.6kg
Placenta: 0.45-0.9kg
Uterus: 0.9kg
Amniotic fluid: 0.7-0.9kg
Breast of pregnant women: 0.5kg
The amount of blood: 1.2-1.4kg
Fat: 2.3kg
Tissue, liquid: 1.8-3.2kg
The total weight: 11-14kg
Pregnant women need to pay attention that
if your weight is too low and you are in the undernourished state, you need to
test to receive advice from experts. Mothers need to care the diseases that
they can meet in pregnancy such as high blood pressure, diabetes and
pre-esclampsia. If you are underweight, you should pay attention to the above
diseases. Gaining weight too much in pregnancy will cause disadvantageous
problems for both mother and child.

pregnancy, pregnant women should gain 11-14 kilograms.
Provide vitamins and minerals
The vitamins are encouraged to use in
pregnancy include: folic acid, vitamin B6, C, D, calcium, Cu, Fe, Zn.
It is called super –vitamin because it is
useful for brain and neural system of fetus. In addition, folic acid is also
important to create red blood cells (form the red blood cells). The level of
consuming this nutrient is 600-800mg/day. If possible, you should add folic
acid before becoming pregnant. Together with taking tablets to provide folic
acid, pregnant women should pay attention to the foods that are rich of this
nutrient such as dark green leaf, grain, liver, green peas, peanut butter and
Pregnant women need to provide more Fe
because it is very important to providing blood to provide for your body and
baby’s body. According to nutritious experts, pregnant women should provide
30-60mg of Fe every day. The sources of food that are rich of Fe include
spinach, dark green vegetables, sardine and dried fruits.
Calcium is very necessary for the
development of bone and teeth of babies. Milk is the source of food that is
plentiful of this nutrient, so pregnant women should drink 2-3 glasses of milk
every day. In addition, you can eat cheese, yoghurt, pasteurized cheese. If
pregnant women don’t provide enough calcium, body will take calcium from
mothers’ bone automatically to ensure the development of fetus. The level of
consuming calcium every day in pregnancy is 1,200mg.
The perfect diet of pregnant women
A diet that is balanced and useful for
pregnancy needs to contain 4 groups of the following main foods:

women need eat enough 4 groups of food.
It including meat, fish, egg, poultry;
pregnant women need to ensure to eat an amount of the above foods (about
100grams) In addition, mothers need to eat the products from bean, almond and
cashew nut.
Drink 2-3 glasses of milk every day and eat
yoghurt, cheese
and fruits
This group is divided into 2 main kinds:
the foods contain vitamin C and the foods contain beta carotene (it can
transform to vitamin A when body needs).

women should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
Pregnant women are encouraged to use kinds
of vegetable such as kinds of fruits, cauliflower, ripe papaw, water melon,
spinach and broccoli.
It includes rice, grain, bread, green peas.
With this group of food, pregnant women shouldn’t add too much to avoid gaining
weight uncontrolledly.