The best bits of three workouts merge
to help you craft one smoking hot bod
What equals a sexy body to you? We’re
willing to bet the words toned, strong and slender rank highly on your wish
list. That’s why we’ve teamed up with celebrity trainer Kristin McGee to bring
you the ultimate hot-body workout straight from the States.
Thanks to London 2012, a strong, athletic
body is the new must-have look, but Kristin’s Strong, Sexy, Svelte formula (a
fave of Tina Fey and LeAnn Rimes) has been helping her clients sculpt this kind
of bod for years. Her workouts are designed to get you looking and feeling fit
and healthy through a clever combination of yoga, Pilates and strength exercises,
and the best part? Anyone can cash in on the benefits of this workout.
‘Strong, Sexy, Svelte helps you build lean
muscle tone, core strength and flexibility,’ says Kristin. ‘It will also get
you psyched about exercise because it stimulates your mind and body.’
How to do it
Perform these moves one after the other,
following the reps for each. For best results, repeat the workout three to five
times a week. ‘This workout uses muscle confusion to keep your body guessing,’
says Kristin. ‘In just three weeks you’ll see a change in your body and mind.
With a healthy diet, you can drop around 51b.’
Cat cow
Areas Trained: Core, Stomach, Sides Of
Stomach, Back

Begin on all fours with your hands under
your shoulders and knees under your hips.
Inhale and lift your head and buttocks, let
your belly drop toward the floor and arch your back. Look upward as you pull
your shoulder blades together.
Exhale, rounding your back toward the
ceiling, scooping in your belly and hollowing out your lower abs. Tuck your
head and tailbone in as if you were trying to draw them together underneath
Continue arching and rounding for 10-12
reps. Continue to breathe deeply as you complete the moves.
Bird dog
Areas Trained: Stomach, Sides Of Stomach,
Hips, Back

From all fours, reach your left arm forward
at ear level and extend your right leg straight back at hip height. Imagine you
are balancing a cup of water on your lower back and another on your upper back
between your shoulder blades.
Brace your core and hold this position for
30-60 seconds. Make sure you’re not holding your breath. Carefully return your
arm and leg to the floor. Repeat on the opposite side. That’s 1 rep; do 3 to 5
Areas Trained: Stomach, Sides Of Stomach,
Hips, Back
Knee to nose
Areas Trained: Stomach, Back, Hips, Bottom

Trained: Stomach, Back, Hips, Bottom
With your back rounded, inhale as you use
your lower abs to pull your left knee toward your nose then exhale and extend
your leg straight back as you lift your head. Do 8-10 reps, then switch legs
and repeat.
Areas Trained: Stomach, Shoulders, Arms,
Rear Thighs, Bottom, Lower Back
Lie on your back on a mat, place your feet
flat on the floor, about hip-width apart, and bend your knees.
Press firmly into your feet and lift your
bottom off the floor, imagining you are squeezing a basketball between your
inner thighs, and engage your entire lower body.
Interlace your hands under your back and
lift your chest toward your chin. Hold this position for about 5 deep breaths.
Release your hands and slowly lower your
body toward the mat to the start position. Repeat the exercise for 3 to 5 reps.
Downward dog split
Areas Trained: Arms, Shoulders, Stomach,
Back, Bottom
Start in downward dog, pressing your hands
firmly into the floor and lifting your hips up and backward. Your body should
look like an upside down V and most of your weight should be pulling back
toward your legs.
Lift your left leg straight up in the air
as you keep your chest and shoulders pressing toward the floor. Engage the back
of your thigh, squeezing your bottom, and hold for around 5 deep breaths. Lower
your left foot to the floor and repeat on your right side. Repeat on each side
2 more times.
Pilates teaser sit
Areas Trained: Core, Sides Of Stomach,
Inner Thighs, Pelvic Floor

Trained: Core, Sides Of Stomach, Inner Thighs, Pelvic Floor
Sit tall with your knees bent and feet flat
on the floor. Without rounding your lower back, lean back slightly and lift
your legs up to about a 45-degree angle, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
Reach your arms forward, palms turned
towards each other. Pull your belly button toward your spine and lift up and
out of your lower back, pressing your shoulders away from your ears, as you
hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
Return to the start position and perform a
total of 3 to 5 reps.
Warrior II
Areas Trained: Stomach, Sides Of Stomach,
Core, Arms, Thighs, Bottom

Trained: Stomach, Sides Of Stomach, Core, Arms, Thighs, Bottom
Start in downward dog, then step your right
foot to your hands as you turn your left heel down to the floor at a 45-degree
Keeping your right knee above your right foot
in a lunge and your back leg straight, come to standing. Turn your hips and
torso to the left.
Stretch your arms out to the sides and make
sure your right knee is directly over your right ankle, not rolling inwards.
Look over your right hand and keep your torso centered between both legs.
Hold for 5 to 8 deep, full breaths through
your nose. Return to downward dog then repeat on your left side. Repeat on each
side 2 more times.
Forearm plank
Areas Trained: Core, Stomach, Sides Of
Stomach, Back, Hips, Legs, Bottom, Arms, Shoulders

Trained: Core, Stomach, Sides Of Stomach, Back, Hips, Legs, Bottom, Arms,
Lie on your stomach with your legs
straight, your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms resting on the
Tighten your abs, press your hands into the
floor and tuck your toes under; lift your hips so your body hovers about 10 to
12 inches above the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head
to your heels. Take care to keep your bottom low.
Tighten an imaginary seatbelt around your
waist as you continue to draw ¡n your lower belly; hold the position for 45to
60 seconds. Relax, lowering back down to the floor. Perform a total of 3 to 5
Tricep dip
Areas Trained: Rear Upper Arms, Shoulders,
Chest, Back
Sit on the floor with your legs together,
extended out in front of you. Place your hands out1D inches behind you on the
floor, with your fingers pointing forward.
Engage your hamstrings and core, then press
firmly into your feet and lift your body up. Inhale and bend your elbows to
lower yourself down toward the floor, keeping your body as straight as you can.
Don’t let your bottom sag!
Exhale, pressing back up, and repeat. Do 10
to 12 reps of this exercise.
Pilates press-up
Areas Trained: Rear Upper Arms, Shoulders,

Trained: Rear Upper Arms, Shoulders, Chest
Start in plank with your hands below your
shoulders and your legs together; your body should maintain a straight line
from your head to your heels.
Squeeze your heels together, turning Your
toes out slightly in a V.
Keep your abs tight and your shoulders
down, away from your ears. Inhale and lower your body down, pulling your elbows
toward your waist. Then exhale as you straighten your elbows and push yourself
back up to the starting position. Perform 6 to 8 reps.