Many habits of pregnant make them lose
their lovely babies.
During pregnancy, besides some reasons that
cause miscarriage such as mother’s womb is unusual or chromosome, if mothers
don’t pay attention to daily activities, it can also increase the risk of
Therefore, mothers eliminate these bad
habits to make your lovely babies safe!
Rubbing womb
Nowadays, obstetricians report that
miscarriage can be caused by using moisturizing cream in pregnancy. However,
kinds of cream don’t affect miscarriage; the reason is caused by rubbing womb
of pregnant women. In pregnancy, most of the women gain weight quickly, so
their skin is cracked, especially skin of womb has to stretch strongly in a
short time due to development of fetus, so skin of this area becomes bad.

womb a lot can make pregnant women have miscarriage.
Many women fear that their skin will have
bad cracks and it’s difficult to restore after giving birth, so many women use
moisturizing cream used for pregnant women to rub womb, hip or thigh. Many
women follow advertising: they massage carefully and rub cream strongly so that
cream can soak into skin. They consider that this thing will increase effect of
protecting skin; however, in pregnancy, rubbing strongly on womb will make
uterus contract and as a result, it will lead to fetal derangement.
Besides using cream to prevent cracked
skin, caressing of parents is also reason that causes miscarriage. The more
they think about their children, the more they rub womb. Some people hold hands
and legs of babies due to uneven places on womb. Or when mothers recognize that
fetus kick healthily, they often fondle babies. In pregnancy, mothers are
forbidden about rubbing womb because this thing can make uterus appear
contractions. As a result, it can lead to miscarriage, fetal derangement and
premature birth. In the last months of pregnancy, the risk of rubbing womb is
Walking too much

a lot will create pressure for hipbone and womb.
Many women think that in pregnancy, walking
a lot will help them give birth easily. However, this is an incorrect thought
because walking a lot will create pressure for hipbone and womb. As a result,
it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. In the first period of
pregnancy, exercises that pregnant women have to make every effort will
increase the risk of miscarriage 3 times, especially to pregnant women whose
uterus is opened.
Moreover, women that don’t do exercise a
lot before being pregnant shouldn’t do heavy exercises, and they should get
acquainted with it every day. In the first months of pregnancy, mothers
shouldn’t begin strange and new form of doing exercise because this thing can
be harmful for both mother and fetus if technique of doing exercise is wrong.
Going stairs is very dangerous for
pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid heavy activities, list heavy things and
they shouldn’t use force to affect womb. Walking needs a suitable rate, the
total time for walking isn’t over 30 minutes/day.
Taking medicine uncontrolledly
In pregnancy, mothers should avoid taking
medicine with maximum rate. The reason is that in component of some kinds of
medicine, there are some related drugs that can increase the risk of
miscarriage. When you know that you and pregnant and at this time you are
taking medicine to cure some disease, the first thing is that you should inform
to help doctor know so that doctor can consider and adjust. Doctor can also
replace medicines that have bad effects on fetus.

women should ask specialized doctors for advice before taking any medicine.
In pregnancy, pregnant women shouldn’t
absolutely buy and take any kinds of medicine if they don’t have nomination of
doctor. This thing applies to all kinds of tonic and medicine that provide
vitamin. In testing pregnancy, doctors can base on state of health as well as
result of test to assign kinds of tonic or vitamin that provide you. If mothers
willingly use more, it will have contrary effect.