Diet tendency can rise and then cool down,
such as the need of detoxication (also called cleansing) which is always
maintained as a necessary need.
The reason is that ‘spices and manual
colors, pesticide and herbicide are just a part of many toxics aborbed every
day of a normal person,’ according to expert Kathy Freston – Los Angeles author
of the The Lean (Weinstein Books). Besides, expert Beth Reardon, R.D, L.D.N,
the manager of Duke Integrate Medicine’s Integrate Nutrition dept. at Durham,
N.C, also warns: ‘These substances are often storred in adipose tissue and
other tissues in the body, and increase in time. Actually, our bodies can
discard substances that we do not need; however, most toxics we need to discard
often force internal organs to work continuously through day ang night, which
increases the threats of contracting chronic diseases.’
Dexton method is the most effective method
to clean the body. Currently, there are short-term methods such as eating and
living behaviors that can support detoxication; however, since there are too
many different methods, my advice is that you should do as one method to get
the best result. Act on our following advice, together with some verified
secrets, and enjoy benefits brought by the detoxication method such as energy
gain, pain relief, and healthy and balanced physical strength.
The book named The Quantum Wellness
Cleanse: The 21-day Essential Guide to Healing Your Body, Mind and Spirit
(Weinstein Books) belongs to Freston. She advises that we should execute detoxication
in at least 3 weeks or the longer, the better, providing that you still have
ability and interest in the benefits of this theraphy. She says ‘start your
habit in every day and do not plan so far. Who knows? You will be surprised at
the benefits of this.’
The followings are basic steps you that can carry out.
Reduce in absorbing unhealthful things
Limit eating these things: indigestible or harmful foods since they are difficult to be
disposed and digested (animal foods including meat, poultry meat, fish, eggs,
and dairy foods); foods supplying imbalanced energy (such as sugar, wine, and
caffeine); or foods causing swell (gluten).
Increase in absorbing nutritional things
that help your body be cleaned
Drink at least 2 quarts (64 ounces) of
thoroughly filtered pure water (including herbal tea). Make your daily meal
become healthier with a gluten-free menu that contains fruits or vegetables and
vegan protein. ‘Eating in this way will support so much for your digestive
system, help dicard residual substances, indigestible foods, and slimy
substance,’ noted Freston. ‘Water will discard waste in the cell and support
fat metabolism, which helps the brain work in a sounder way, lubricates and
cleans body’s systems. Combine the following menus as well as noshes to plan
your ’twenty-one healthy days’ project.
A bowl of instant oat gruel with peanut,
apple, and fat-free milk (alternative by rice, hemp, soybean, and almond)
Gluten-free round bread or unpolished rice
with peanut butter and cheese cream for vegetarians
Yogurt for vegetarians dissolved with two
spoons of linum oil, almond, covered with apple, peach, and cranberry
A big bowl of mixed salad: fresh vegitables
covered with seeds (sweet basil seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp
seeds, and linseeds), avocados, dried cranberries, vegan breads with pea,
fermented or cooked soya curds
Mixed vitamin made from vagan protein
flour, coconut milk or drinking water, two spoons of liseed, two spoons of
linum oil, a bare amount of almond seeds, Juglans rejias or hemp seeds, a
few cranberries, 1 ½ glass of calabrese, spinach, or cauliflower
Any vegan soup (like lentils, blackbeans,
squash seeds, Spanish cold soup)
Sweet potatos grilled with vegetables or
soya curds
Unpolished rice and peas with vegetables
Mediterranean menu with hummus appetizer,
cucumber, rum pie, gluten-free bread and biscuit
Some juicy fruit goji and peanut
Hummus and crudités
Prepared-flour drink dissolved with water
or 3 ounces of water dissolved with 3 ounces of apple juice fruit
Impulse benefits
Besides instructions about health
regime, Freston suggests some supporting strategies to clean both your body and
Sleep soundly: taking rest helps your body recover
quickly, so spend 7 to 8 hours per night sleeping.
Exercise: sweat will take body’s toxic out. Exercise 4 to 6 days per week,
coordinate with heartbeat, strenghth, taichi, yoga and qigong.
Take leisure and relax: use the massage therapy, play yoga, or
wallow in hot tank with the more mineral salt, the better so as to detoxic
body. ‘These three kinds of exercise has surprising effect, can discard toxic
substances at everywhere in the body – organs, mulscle, and fat – and support
their transformation to get out of the body,’ shares Freston.
Live green: detoxic your body at anywhere you
live. You can use cleaning cosmetics or chemicals at home with extract from
nature, and avoid plastic articles.
Think creatively, leisurely: pessimistic or negative thoughts can
also make your mentality poisoned, so spend some time in a day to think
obtimisticly and thankfully, imagine, write diary or do anything that can make
your mind become clearer and get concentration. Freston alnalyzes, ‘our brains
can bring disorder and anxiety for the body. By clearing up mess in your body,
we can hear things really important for life and drive yourself to the right