Take it off! (The weight. That is.)
This plan will blast 2,000-plus calories a week to get you trim and toned all
Winning the battle of the bulge comes down
to one thing: torching more calories. And Los Angeles-based trainer Mike Donavanik
has designed a program that incinerates thousands of those bad boys per week.
It features five heart-rate-revving, do-anywhere workouts that push you hard
without leaving you doubled over. "High-intensity exercise not only boosts
your calorie burn, but it also increases the time it takes for your body to
recover," he says. That means your metabolism stays elevated longer,
leading to an "after burn" that research shows could last up to 38
hours. If that weren't enough ifi the wow-results department, one of the
routines inspired by Donavanik's new DVD, Extreme Burn: Ripped ($18;
mikedfitness .com) includes plyometrics moves that double as sculptors. So get
ready to score sexy definition as you trim.

ready to score sexy definition as you trim
Jab n' Jack
Works shoulders, legs, and core
Stand with feet together, holding a weight
in each hand in front of shoulders, palms facing each other. Jump feet apart as
you press weights overhead and rotate palms forward [A]. Return to starting
position; repeat. Next, jump feet apart and pivot to the left as you punch
right arm out in front of you [B], Jump back to starting position and repeat in
opposite direction. Continue for 1 minute, alternating sides.

Chop up
Works legs, butt, arms, shoulders, and core
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a
dumbbell with both hands in front of left shoulder [A]. Lunge forward with
right leg as you bring the dumbbell across your body and outside your right hip
[B]. Step back to starting position and raise weight overhead, then jump feet
wide apart and squat, lowering dumbbell toward the ground. Jump feet close
together again and return to starting position. Do 10 reps; switch sides to
complete set.

Works arms, legs, and core Get on all
fours, knees and heels lifted [A]. Hop feet to the right, extending left leg to
the right as you reach for left foot with right hand [8], immediately repeat in
opposite direction, Continue, alternating sides, for 1 minute.

Power hop
Stand with left knee bent and hands in fists
at sides. Hop to the left, right, and back to the left. Then bend right knee,
reaching left hand toward the ground as you extend right arm behind you. Rise
up to starting position. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch sides to complete

Donkey kick push-up
Works chest, triceps, legs, and core
Get in plank position with wrists aligned
under shoulders. Bend elbows straight back behind you, lowering chest toward
the ground [A], Push up, then jump feet toward your hands [B] and kick them up
into the air, bringing heels toward your butt [C], Jump feet back to starting
position. Do 10 reps.

Hard-core squat
Works butt, legs, and core
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands
behind ears, and squat [A]. Rise up as you raise right knee to hip height in
front of you and rotate shoulders to the right [B], Twist back to center as you
jump up and kick left foot forward [C], Return to starting position; repeat on
opposite side to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.