You are going to become mothers. The most
important thing for you at this time is designing for yourselves a diet that
has enough nutrients. Nutrition for pregnant women should be diversified and
Foods should be diversified
Australian medical experts advise pregnant
Eat a lot of kinds of vegetable, bean (green
soy, lentil) and fresh fruits every day
Eat a lot of grain (sweet potato, bread,
spaghetti, rice…)
Eat a lot of lean meat, fish and poultry
You shouldn’t ignore milk and finished products
from milk (yoghurt, cheese, skin on milk)
Drink a lot of water in day

women should drink a lot of water in day.
Reasonable nutrition for pregnant women
You should choose foods that don’t contain a
lot of salt and you should eat with a suitable amount.
Nutrition for pregnant women is recommended
to add more 300 calories in a day for pregnant women during the first quarter,
600 calories for the second quarter, and 900 calories for the last 3 months.
Healthy snacks that are used for the first
quarter are a slice of brown bread or bread with dried grapes; an apple,
orange, banana or strawberry; a boiled egg and a half box of yoghurt.
In the next quarter, you continue arrange
to eat more by increasing quantity and the number of time.
In some first weeks, your craving for
eating can be reduced remarkably and you want to nauseate or feel tired. In the
middle of pregnancy, your craving for eating is similar to the time before you
become pregnant or increase lightly. Until the end of pregnancy, your craving
for eating will increase clearly. If you have heartburn or indigestion after
eating, you should divide your meal into small meals.
The most important rule for you is you
should eat when you feel hungry and you shouldn’t absolutely eat for 2 people.

for pregnant women should be diversified and suitable.
Vitamins that need to be provided
It’s wonderful and lucky if you don’t have
morning sickness. You can feel comfortable to eat foods that you want and are
the best for fetus’s development. However, if you have morning sickness, you
will vomit after eating; you need to be provided vitamins due to direction of
Folic acid is one of the extremely vitamins
in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Lacking this substance (it is available in
grain, animal’s liver and vegetables that have dark green), babies that will
have the high risk of catching diseases that relate to inborn defect of neural
tube such as broken vertebra.
Doctors advise you to provide this vitamin
every day until you become pregnant in 3 months.
Fe and calcium are minerals that are
extremely important for pregnant women. Iodine is very necessary for
development of brain and function of formed thyroid gland of babies.
Animal’s liver, shrimp, crab, sesame, green
soy and bindweed… contain a lot of Fe. Oyster, banana, kiwi, broccoli and
spinach… contain a lot of calcium.
If you take a vegetarian meal, you have
diabetes, pregnancy diabetes, anemia or you have history of premature birth,
you need to tell your doctor clearly. You must provide vitamin A (liver, seas
fish, butter, egg and milk…) with a suitable amount.
Nutrition for pregnant women: foods that need to be avoided
Pregnant women should avoid some foods
because doctors consider that these foods aren’t safe for development of
Seafood, sushi, fish… Although fish is food that
is rich in protein, vitamin and mineral, you should also be careful because
level of mercury in fish isn’t low.
Pate, underdone meat are foods that contain
source of harmful bacteria for your babies.
Wine: according to the advice of Australian
medical experts, pregnant women must say no to wine and stimulants like coffee.
Smoke cigarette: If you become pregnant, you
should stop smoking cigarette as soon as possible.

women shouldn’t drink wine.
Go on a diet in pregnancy
Diet in pregnancy can be harmful for you
and development of babies. Diet doesn’t ensure that you are charged with enough
suitable vitamin and mineral. You should remember that gaining weight is one of
the positive signs to show that you have a healthy pregnancy.
If you are overweight, you can improve your
diet by reducing foods that are rich in fat, sugar and attend some suitable
Reasonable weight
The best way to gain weight is gaining
weight gradually. You should gain about 11-14 kilograms, 18-20 in the case that
you become pregnant with twins. You should pay attention to a healthy diet that
includes a lot of starch, fruits, vegetables, protein, milk and foods from
You don’t need to give up all of your
favorite dishes because you are becoming pregnant. However, nutrition for
pregnant women doesn’t include foods and snacks that contain a lot of salt fat
and sugar.