We explain how to perfect and build upon the bridge, one of
the best moves to tone your butt. (When one version feels easy, step it up to
the next level.)
Basic bridge
Lie face up with knees bent, feet hip-width apart on the
floor. Extend your arms at your sides with palms on the floor. Lift your hips
until your body forms a line from shoulders to knees [shown]. Hold for 30

Lie face up with
knees bent, feet hip-width apart on the floor.
Bridge with knee lift
Get in the starting position for a basic bridge (see above).
Lift right foot, then raise your hips until your body forms a line from
shoulders to left knee [shown]. Lower to starting position and repeat on
opposite side. Continue, alternating legs, for 30 to 60 seconds.

Bridge with knee
Bridge with leg lift and reach
Get in the starting position for a basic bridge (see above).
Lift hips as you extend right leg at a diagonal and reach left arm toward right
toes [shown].Lower to starting position and repeat on opposite side. Continue,
alternating sides, for 30 to 60 seconds.

Bridge with leg
lift and reach
Lead from behind
Get a leg up on your cardio routine: A strong lower half can
improve your endurance and speed, according to a new study published in the
European Journal of Applied Physiology. People who did leg extensions three
times a week for two months felt less fatigued and moved faster during
high-intensity treadmill workouts. Strengthen your leg and butt muscles with
the bridge and you’ll make it through tough cardio sessions with less effort.