Small change #4: Switch your carbs
Carbohydrates are not bad, says Gans,
despite what some diets say. “Eating carbohydrates doesn’t make you fat. Eating
too many of the wrong types of carbohydrates makes you fat.”
Solutions for
Keep your portion of any pasta, rice or other
carbohydrate to about ½ cup. Serve your plate in the kitchen – not from pots or
serving bowls on the table – and never eat a carb snack directly from the bag
or container. Measure it first.
Eat 30g of fibre a day through wholegrains. If you
don’t have a lot of fibre already, you should add it gradually to avoid feeling
bloated or gassy. “That gives the natural bacteria in your digestive system a
chance to get used to the extra roughage. Make sure you drink enough fluid, too
– it helps fibre pass through the digestive system more easily.”

Small change #5: Cut back on flavor enhancers
“Some of the highest-fat, highest kilojoule
food we eat aren’t food at all,” says Gans. “They’re “extras” – items we put on
food to add flavor,” such as butter, gravy, mayo and salad dressings. Just by
trimming those things from your daily diet, you could shave 2093kJ a day and
lose half a kilo a week.
Solution for you:
- Whether dining
in or out, have sauces, dressings and other “extras” on the side. Also,
choose low-fat versions of your favorites so you don’t sacrifice taste.
Small change #6: Improve the quality of your fats
Every dieter needs fat to lose weight
because fat promotes satiety and adds flavor. “Without fat in your diet, you’re
more likely to be constantly hungry and to overeat,” she says.
Solutions for you:
Limit your fat intake to 25 per cent of your
daily kilojoules. In other words, if you consume 6700kJ a day, 1675kJ or 44g
should be unsaturated fat. That amounts to roughly one serving of fat per meal
– a tablespoon of olive oil or a matchbox size of cheese or quarter of an
avocado, but not all three.
Limit your cheese intake to one serving a day of
about 30g.
But choose wisely. Not all cheese is the same
when it comes to fat and nutrients. While some soft cheeses are lower in fat,
the harder cheese will have more calcium.

Small change #7: Skinny your meat
Meat, says Gans, should be “the understudy
rather than the star of the meal”. Choose lean cuts, remove the skin from
poultry and ensure that whatever your protein, it is one of the smallest things
on your plate.
Solutions for you:
Limit your intake of red meat to less than twice
a week while boosting your fish intake to twice a week. If you’re eating out,
watch the size. A portion of steak should be about the size of a smartphone or
around 85g. “Order your steak, eat half, and take the rest home in a doggie
Have fish twice a week, but have it baked,
grilled or steamed. If you love sushi, limit your intake of the fattier cuts of
sashimi tuna and salmon to 85g, start your meal with low-joule miso soup and
avoid any rolls made with mayonnaise.
Small change #8: Be prepared
“People need a plan in order to be
healthy,” says Gans. “It’s not going to be given to you, you need to think
about it and become a participant in your own life.” That’s especially true of
eating out, where entrees, bread baskets and fatty sauces can ruin good
Solutions for you:
Before you go out, grab a protein and carb
snack, such as a slice of cheese and an apple. Start with a salad and avoid
dessert and bread. “So many menus are online – you can read before you go to a
place. When you’re hungry is not the best time to choose what to eat, so have
your meal picked out ahead of time. You want to walk in, sit down and not think
about food”