Don’t forget to sweat
Strength training such as sit-ups will certainly tone the
six-pack muscles in your tummy, but if they’re trapped under a stubborn layer
of fat around your midsection then all that work will be for nothing.
Regular cardio workouts will boost the body’s metabolism and
melt fat.
“If we just build muscle, without also burning the fat, we
can end up looking bigger in the belly because basically we’re just stacking
the fat and muscle on top of each other,” says Jones.
Whole body cardio workouts such as swimming or boxing are
particularly useful as they will also work the core muscles. “Boxing is one of
the best types of training you can do – just look at a boxer’s physique,” says

Regular cardio
workouts will boost the body’s metabolism and melt fat.
Hands-on approach
While not strictly an exercise, regular massage may also
help get your belly in shape. When we’re feeling stressed, natural production
of the hormone cortisol is increased and can cause the body to store fat,
especially around the tummy area.
Core workout
Try this quick workout to get your belly in shape:
20 pelvic tilts
20 reps of bird-dog exercise
10 squat jumps (90-degree squat)
Pelvic tilts
Lie on your back, knees bent, both feet flat on floor. Using
your abdominal muscles, and without lifting your hips, press your lower back
into the floor and hold this position briefly. Then tip your pelvis in the
opposite direction creating an arch in your low back. Do not lift your hips or
let your tailbone roll up off the floor. Hold this position briefly before
returning to your starting position. Perform 10 repetitions, rest for 60
seconds and then repeat
Bird-dog exercise
Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and
knees under your hips, keeping your head, neck, and back straight. Raise your
right arm and reach it forward and, at the same time, kick your left leg
backwards until it’s straight and in line with your torso, hold for one second.
Slowly bring your arm and leg back to the ground and repeat with the opposite
arm and leg. The right-arm/left leg and transition to left-arm/right leg is counted
as one repetition. Perform 10 repetitions, rest for 30 seconds and then repeat.

Perform 10
repetitions, rest for 30 seconds and then repeat.
Squat jumps
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and point your
toes slightly out. Push your hips back and squat down, with your thighs
parallel to the ground, remembering to keep your back flat, your chest out and
your spine straight. Engage your core and, from the bottom of this squat
position, push through your feet and jump upwards by extending your knees and
hips so your feet jump several centimeters off the ground. Land softly with
your knees bent then go into your next repetition.