Practice the exercises in the previous
section and add the following ones to your routine. You may have to set
aside extra time to do these exercises. If you combine them with some
form of aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming or bicycling,
you’ll get a thorough workout.
Arm Reaches
Relieves upper backache and tension in shoulders, neck and back
on the floor in a comfortable position. Inhale as you raise your right
arm over your head. Reach as high as you can while stretching from the
waist. Bend your elbow and pull your arm back down to your side as you
exhale. Repeat for your left side. Do 4 or 5 times.

Pelvic Curl
Strengthens abdominal muscles, and relieves back stress
on your hands and knees, with your back relaxed. Do not arch your back.
Inhale and relax. As you exhale, pull your buttocks under and forward
until you feel your back straighten at the waist and your abdomen
tighten. Hold for a count of 5, then exhale and relax. Do this exercise
4 or 5 times whenever you can.
Tailor’s Seat
Develops pelvic-floor strength
on the floor, bring feet close to your body and cross your ankles.
Apply gentle pressure to your knees or the inside of your thighs. Hold
for a count of 10, relax and repeat. Do this exercise 4 or 5 times.
Tailor Press
Develops pelvic-floor and quadricep strength
on the floor and bring the soles of your feet together as close to your
body as you can comfortably. Place hands under your knees, and gently
press down with your knees while resisting the pressure with your
hands. Count to 5, then relax. Increase number of presses until you can
do 10 presses twice a day.
Shoulder Circles
Relieves upper backache and tension in shoulders, neck and back
while slowly moving your left shoulder forward and upward, to form the
top half of a circle. Slowly move the shoulder to the back then down to
complete the circle as you exhale. Repeat with right shoulder. Do 4 or
5 times for each shoulder.

Wall Push-Away
Develops upper-back, chest and arm strength, and relieves lower-leg tension
a couple of feet away from a wall, with your hands in front of your
shoulders. Place hands on the wall and lean forward. Bend your elbows
as your body leans into the wall. Keep heels flat on the floor. Slowly
push away from wall and straighten. Do 10 to 20 times.

Hip and Back Stretch
Reduces back tension, and increases blood flow to the feet
your left hand on the back of a chair or on a wall. Lift your right
knee to the side of your tummy, and put your right hand under your
right thigh. Round your back and bring your head and pelvis forward.
Hold position for a count of 4, straighten up, then lower leg. Repeat
with left leg. Do 2 or 3 times.
Side Leg Lifts
Tones and strengthens hip, buttock and thigh muscles
on your left side, with your body in alignment. Support your head with
your left hand, and place your right hand on the floor in front of you
for balance. Inhale and relax. While exhaling, slowly raise your right
leg as high as you can without bending your knee or your body. Keep
foot flexed. Inhale and slowly lower your leg. Repeat on right side. Do
10 times on each side.