Let’s discover the simple tips that help us
start a new day with full of energy.
An overview evaluation about 134
researchers relating breakfast that was carried out by Leeds University
(British) shows that memory, skill for solving problem smooth communicative
ability and conscious ability will be affected negatively if we skip breakfast
meal that is considered the most important one in a day.
A recent research gives route including 5
simple steps that can help us gain many benefits from breakfast and from brain.
1. Breakfast spreads
According to a research that was carried
out by Leeds University in British, the ability of theory with word and ability
of solving problem are improved 35% at people that often nosh or divide
breakfast in 4 small meals - 1 hour apart. According to research, the reason is
that having breakfast that spreads will continue providing brain with suitable
source of energy in form of blood sugar.
2. Breakfast with grain
A research that was carried out in Spain
shows that every day, if you eat a small handful of walnut, fruit containing a
lot of polyphenol, it can help your memory be improved 19%. According to
research, the reason is that Polythenol is proved to have effect in reducing oxidative
stress and helps improve communication among nerve cells of brain.

you eat a small handful of walnut- fruit that contains a lot of polyphenol can
help your memory be improved to 19%.
3. Walk to “awake” brain
According to a research that was carried
out by Illinois University (America), 20 minutes for walking every morning will
help you improve 16% about “flexibility of awareness” – ability of creating
idea source and methods when meeting difficult problems of brain. According to
researchers, the reason that brain can get such benefits is the amount of brain
blood is improved and the content of dopamine - neurotransmitter - increases.

minutes for walking every morning will help you improve 16% about “flexibility
of awareness”.
4. Breakfast with protein
According to a research that is carried out
in Japan, activities of people that have breakfast are higher than people that
don’t have breakfast or have breakfast with the high content of sugar. The
reason is that protein is different from sugar, it helps provide brain with a
suitable source of energy. Besides other useful effects, egg is wonderful
source to provide protein that can help us reduce hungry feeling.
5. Caffeine
According to a research that was carried
out by Bristol University (British), only with 20-30 mg of caffeine every
morning will be sufficient to help improve our intelligence. And you should
remember that a cup of coffee contains 120-130 grams of caffeine and although
the content of protein that is consumed can be higher than 20-30mg, it cannot
help improve brain more.

cup of coffee contains 120-130 grams of caffeine.
Besides coffee, a small piece of black
chocolate every morning will help bring certain effect. Research shows that
black chocolate helps improve the cardiac output, the content of protein and it
even helps you lose weight. Only with 2 pieces of black chocolate that is
square, small and half of finger can contain 25mg of caffeine.