Want to get into shape? Some of the most
important steps you can take to boost your fitness don’t happen in the cardio
or strength phase of your workout, but during the recovery stage. When you
exercise hard, you break down muscle fibers, which then heal and become
stronger. While this process is happening, your muscles may feel sore. Luckily,
pain from today’s workout needn’t be an excuse to skip tomorrow’s training if
you follow these tips.
Pummel Pain
Having a sports massage after a workout
will improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to your muscles, which clears out
waste products and breaks down scar tissue. The result is your muscles don’t
feel so stiff and you can exercise more often. ‘A good sports massage not only
reduces muscle tightness, but improves posture and prevents injury,’ says
Evelyn Kummer, sports massage therapist at Ten Pilates (tenpilates.com).

a sports massage after a workout will improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to
your muscles, which clears out waste products and breaks down scar tissue.
Quick fix: Get to grips with a foam roller. This nifty bit of kit is a great
DIY massage tool, too. Find a selection of rollers at physicalcompany.co.uk.
Lossen Up
A post-workout stretch will help your
muscles repair after exercise. ‘When you stretch a muscle, tension in the
fibers increases, which helps realign entangled muscle fibers and speeds up
recovery,’ says Kummer. And by increasing blood circulation and lymph flow,
stretching also reduces the lactic acid build-up that induces fatigue.
Quick fix: Don’t want to stretch after training? Work stretching into your
life by limbering up after breakfast or before going to bed.
Move A Little
Science shows that following a hard training
session with a day of light activity aids recovery by boosting circulation and
flushing out toxins. ‘Active recovery is very effective at reducing muscle
lactate levels,’ says Barbara Bailey, personal trainer at Pure Gym
(puregym.com). Opt for a low-intensity activity, such as walking.

for a low-intensity activity, such as walking.
Quick fix: Alternate between a hot and cold shower post-workout it will boost
blood flow around your body.
Ecovery Remedies
After a long workout, use herbal lotions to
ease achy joints. ‘Never underestimate the power of aroma!’ says Noella
Gabriel, Elemis director of product development. ‘If you’re suffering from
muscle aches, rosemary, pine and thyme essential oils are very soothing.’
Alternatively, lavender lotions have analgesic properties that can remedy
almost any pain. Comfrey creams are highly effective at stimulating tissue
repair, and juniper oil boasts a diuretic action that reduces the pain of
muscle spasms.
Quick fix: Add Elemis Aching Muscle Super Soak, ($55; timetospa.co.uk) to your
bath for instant relief. Bliss.
Hit The Sack
Having a day off is one of the simplest and
most effective ways to recover. ‘If you’re training five or more times per
week, a rest day will work wonders,’ says Bailey. ‘It will give your body time
to relax and repair before you train again.’

will give your body time to relax and repair before you train again.
Quick fix: Go to bed early. Your body releases human growth hormone during
sleep, which aids muscle repair.
Chow Down
When you work out, your body uses glycogen
for fuel, which is stored in your muscles. To refill these stores and help your
muscles recover better, eat some carbohydrate and protein within an hour of
exercise. ‘Refuelling quickly will rapidly help replenish glycogen, stimulate
insulin and improve your next performance,’ says Bailey.
Quick fix: Drink a recovery shake, ideally with whey protein, as whey is
absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.