Caroline Righton decides the best way
to stay on-trend is to tune into her style-savvy friends
There aren’t many challenges I give up on.
However, this year I have decided to pack in trying to get it right in the
fashion stakes after my friends warned me I was in danger of becoming a poster
girl for What Not To Wear. I’ve thrown the pashmina in on the daily
wardrobe forage for something in this season’s colour or the “so in” bling ring
or bangle. I don’t know what I ever did to fashion editors, but I concede
defeat. They win and if it wasn’t or those same honest friends, I really would
be a very cross dressed woman indeed, knowing I’m getting my look wrong and not
knowing why.

was in danger of becoming a poster girl for What Not To Wear
The sudden revelation that fashion had me
beat came as I leafed through the latest clothing catalogues and realise the How
To Dress rule book had been thrown away by those in the know. Without
giving any new guidelines, they’d turned everything on its head about what is
and what isn’t in vogue.
As I peered into my wardrobe, all those
safety nets that had hitherto steered me from ever being seen in blue and
green, from wearing spots and stripes together or having different coloured
buttons on the same cardie had become benchmarks for being on-trend. I even
read in a national newspaper that it is now naff to have matching toe and
fingernail varnish! When did that happen? Nobody told me! Which is exactly
where the problem lies. I clearly don’t have a “fashionista” gene in me – at
all. I just don’t pick upon the winds of change blowing through the dress
Of course, over the years, I have gamely
had a go at getting it right because I knew I should. But, truth be told, I’ve
always suspected I’m slightly off-message as people have commented on outfits
when I have made an effort as though they are curiosities. “Where did you get
that?” or “I admire the way you really do have your own style.” I know these
were not meant in malice and were in fact kindly reassurances that I’m loved
despite my fashion failures.
With fashion now being more free-range, I’m
left adrift. Luckily though, I do have friends who are on the button,
mismatched or otherwise, about what to wear and after their kindly
intervention, I decided to rope them in to save the day.

of the upcoming fashionista's designs
I think women are very generous about
sharing their random knowledge, although I have to say mine are not in much
demand, such as my instinctive memory for Latin vocabulary learned at school.
However, I am blessed with a comprehensive collection of wise advisers, mentors
and lovely shoulders to cry on for every aspect of my life.
So I have resolved to apply the same
concept to my wardrobe dilemmas and appoint my own personal fashion police.
Charlotte - my own personal fashion police. Charlotte will become Head of Shoes
– she wears lovely eclectic flats most of the time and turns up in super heels
when the occasion demands. Julie is great on work suits that don’t look too
“try hard”, and Judith gets the whole modern hair thing with styles that are
cleverly cut yet look unbrushed and sexy. Michelle has cracked how not to have
anything matching in a “together” sort of way and Elaine will do for jewellery
and accessories, always adding the definitive finishing touch.
With their help, I know I won’t disgrace
the fashion runway of everyday life. They are viewing me as a project and,
bless them, are trying to educate me about the choices they make.
But, it is as if they speak in tongues. I
can’t even “visit” Planet Fashion let alone learn the language and I’m just
thankful I’m not committing a crime of fashion as I step out. Because, as we
all know, ignorance of the law is just no Defence. Or ignorantia juris non
excusat, as I happily accept.