If you want to look after your heart while
having fun, get out your dancing shoes and take up the flora pro.activ
The best exercise is the kind you’re
enjoying so much you don’t even notice your heart rate increasing, which is why
the Flora pro.activ Swing Into Action campaign makes getting active fun. Taking
regular exercise and eating healthily is an important combination when it comes
to a healthy cholesterol level, as high cholesterol is a major risk factor in
the development of heart disease*.

is for anyone – of any age, shape or size” - Linda Southgate
Small changes can make a difference –
choosing leaner cuts of meat, for example, eating more wholegrains and
switching to Flora pro.activ products, which contain plant sterols, an
ingredient that has been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol**. Joining
in a family game of rounders in the park or cycling to the shops are easy ways
to get more active, but why not take it up a notch by learning to dance or
playing a round of golf? As well as being sociable, fun and good for your
heart, you’ll improve your posture and increase muscle tone – and it’s never
too late to start. So whether you’re inspired by the elegant waltz or
hyper-energetic jive, taking up the Swing Into Action challenge could be just
what your heart needs.
Ask NetDoctor
NetDoctor is the first online stop for
expert medical advice, and NetDoctor’s own Dr Henderson is on hand to answer
all your questions on cholesterol or heart health. Go to
“We get as much exercise from laughing as dancing!”
Linda Southgate, 60
“I try to do 150 minutes of exercise a
week,” says Linda, from Norwich. “The gym sometimes slips if I’m busy, but I
wouldn’t miss dancing. It’s very sociable – we get as much exercise from
laughing as dancing! I mainly do disco and theatre craft (dance troupes do this
on stage), but I love any type as long as it’s energetic. I generally eat a
healthy diet, with lots of stir-fries and fish, and I use Flora pro.activ
spread on toast and in sandwiches every day. With all the dancing, too, my
cholesterol is at a fairly healthy level. Dance is for anyone of any age, shape
or side who wants to get some exercise and have fun – and you don’t need to be
particularly fit because you can work at your own level.”

enjoys many different styles of dance, which encourages her to be more active
It’s easy to be pro.activ!
Eating Flora pro.activ products every day
is one simple way to help lowe blood cholesterol*. The plant sterols in Flora
pro.activ have been clinically proven to lower cholesterol by 10% - and a
further 5% reduction can be achieved when you combine them with the move to a
healthy diet and lifestyle. Plant sterols work by helping to actively filter
cholesterol from the gut. Three portions of Flora pro.activ spread or milk, or
one Flora pro.activ mini health drink every day, is all you need to feel the benefits.
Choose from…
- One Flora pro.activ mini health drink.
There are three flavors: Pomegranate & Raspberry, Strawberry and
- Flora pro.activ spread cpmes in three
varieties: Light, Buttery and Olive. A 10g portion is enough to spread on
two slices of bread, and counts as one of your three portions a day.
- Flora pro.activ milk is an easy swap with
your usual milk – a 250ml glass counts as one of your three portions.
- Visit floraproactiv.co.uk for more
Swing into action with Flora pro.activ
If you’d like to help lower your
cholesterol while having a good time, then join in the Flora pro.activ
challenge, with workouts created by celebrity dance and golf experts. Designed
to help lower your cholesterol alongside eating Flora pro.activ, they’re a
great way to improve your dancefloor moves or golf swing. Go to
floraproactiv.co.uk to find out how to take part.