Like babies, moms also need care and support after birth.
Postpartum starts immediately after delivering the baby. The period involves
the mother progressing through many changes, both emotionally and physically.
It may last about 6-8 weeks or till the mother’s body returns to the
pre-pregnant state. Moms not only learn to take care of the babies but also
themselves, to rebuild strength. They might ask for help to get through this.
And the help after birth includes professional help, friends and family.

Mommy needs to
1. Make moms feel
comfortable. Mothers may feel pain in the chest, stomach, and nausea,
especially if she has caesarean. Put pillows and snacks which are good for her
health, water and the baby’s crib next to her bed.

Make moms feel
2. Create peaceful
atmosphere. Take responsibility for the house like cleaning, cooking, doing
laundry, ironing and buying stuff. Take care of the baby and the other child
(if you have) so that she can sleep. Use bottle feeding instead of
breastfeeding so that mothers can rest.
3. Cook nutritious
meals to help moms physically recover, foods like fresh fruits, vegetable,
water and milk. Encourage them to eat when they are hungry and should not skip
4. Help her facing
emotion break down. Some of them may get “baby blues” (crying and depressing)
or “postpartum blues” (feeling depressed after birth), been through being sad,
miserable, unhappy and gloomy. Let her cry and talk about her feeling while you
ease her and tell her everything you have been through is normal.
5. Encourage her to
walk and practice exercises follow the doctor’s instruction. Those exercises
can help them to relax and get in shape. Mothers shouldn’t start to go on a
diet too fast.

Encourage her to
walk and practice exercises follow the doctor’s instruction.
6. Go with her to
meet the doctor or take care of the baby while they’re out. They might have to
visit the doctor in 2-6 weeks after birth and it’s hard to handle a newborn
during the appointment.
7. Visitors:
Mothers might be exhausted if visitors come too often. You can take the call or
Advice and warnings
If you are helping a mother with syndrome “baby blues” or
“postpartum” over 2 - 3 weeks or mothers who have history of depression, call
the doctor or look for professional help.
Help them to dress if they need to.
Require the older children to help the daily chores.