Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to reduced memory diseases.
Approximately 40% of women become more scatter-brained in menopause. Memory can
be affected after a flight lasting more than four hours.
High blood pressure
The studies that are carried out on more than 30 thousand
people in America for four years show that people with high blood pressure
remember worse in the tests of memory and their memories are reduced faster
over time.
An expert from Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute said:
"The increase in blood pressure could mean a change in the structure of
blood vessels making vessel walls thicker and the blood flow in the body
becomes difficult. As a result, the organs in the body can also be damaged. The
brain is one of them. This affects the perception and mind of the human. So,
maintain a balanced diet, proper weight, exercise regularly, do not smoke. If
you are taking blood pressure medication, you should drink drugs regularly to
stabilize blood pressure.
Long flights
Memory can start to be affected after a flight lasts more
than four hours. This causes headaches and may affect short-term memory.
Normally, people will recover but can’t remember exactly what happened at that

The long flights
can affect short-term memory
Lack of vitamin B12
According to a spokesman of Dietitians Association of Australia,
lack of vitamin B12 can lead to the changes in perception, from amnesia to
reduced memory disease. Scientists believe that vitamin B12 may protect the myelin
sheath - the shell surrounds the axons of neurons. If this shell is damaged, it
can affect the transmission messages to the brain and from the brain to
People who conducted the research of the University of
Illinois in 2008 found a link between the attacks of "hot flashes"
and poor memory in women during menopause. This study shows that about 40% of
women become more scatterbrained in menopause.
The more attacks of "hot flashes" women have, the
poorer memory they have. Maki also found that women with hot flashes are often
disrupted in sleep and have worse memory.

The hot flashes
are related to poor memory in postmenopausal women
A doctor from Women's Health says that although there is no
clear evidence to suggest that menopause causes dementia, many women in this
period continue to feel messing before everything. She said: "People often
have to 'fight' for finding words and forget others names. Women should talk
with their doctor about these symptoms if it affects their lives."
The study of Stanford University (USA) shows that breast
cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer some impacts on the parts of
brain that are responsible for memory.
According to the CEO of Australia Cancer Institute, one of
the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy is "chemo brain"
(chemotherapy makes the function of the brain reduce). This effect may be
slight or significant, depending on the circumstances. It is the mild amnesia
that occurs in a short period of time when conducting therapy and most cases
are back to normal then.
Thyroid problems
Hypothyroidism is the condition of reduced thyroid function
leading to decreased production of thyroid hormones. Since then, it slows the
metabolism, causes fatigue and can make memory reduced. Hypothyroidism usually
occurs after the age of 40 and affects about 6 to 10% of women and a smaller
number of men.
A spokesman of the Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners says that when you have a health problem causing fatigue, you will
easily become more scatterbrained. But when hypothyroidism is treated, people
will recover and their memories are also recovered. Hypothyroidism can be
treated with drugs.
Drinking too much alcohol can cause negative effects on the
hippocampus - the part of the brain having the functions of storing information
and memory formation. It prevents the transfer of memory from short-term memory
into long-term one. So, the drinkers can’t often remember what happened during
their drinking time.

The drinkers can’t
often remember what happened during their drinking time
Pregnancy can affect women's memory. According to a member
of a research of the University of New South Wales: "The jobs that require
the frequent remembering like remembering the phone numbers of friends are
often difficult to be affected . However, that's another thing when you have to
remember the new numbers or keep in mind other information series ". She
says the sudden changes of the body during pregnancy may be the cause.