Lotus has effect of being an apothecary. We
can pick lotus in autumn in July, August and September.
Lotus grows in water. Its rootstock is
cylindrical shape that grows in mud and we can eat lotus’s rootstock. Lotus’s
leaf grows out of water surface, leaf stem is long and it has small thorns.
Lotus has a lot of white-pink petals or white in one part. There is a part that
grows longer and it is called lotus anther that is used to embalm tea. Many
carpels are separated and they are contained in a peduncle that is supped into
cone – it is called lotus seed-pod. Each carpel has 1-2 ovules. Lotus seed
contains 1 seed. 2 thick gemmae and propagule include 4 new leaves that folded

also use lotus to embalm tea.
Lotus leaves that is dried, sliced
well-kneaded can be used to cook soup with refined sugar. It will have
antifebrile effect, it can cure fever, flu, insolation. In addition, it also helps
reduce high blood pressure and reduce cholesterol in blood. Juice secreting
from lotus leaves can cure syndrome of disorder of lipid in blood. It will help
blood circulate and intensify health.
Lotus root contains a lot of protein and
vitamin C that can help circulate blood, reduce temperature and intensify the
function of heart and stomach. Moreover, it also reduces the bruises that
accumulate under skin.

root contains a lot of protein and vitamin C that can help circulate blood,
reduce temperature and intensify the function of heart and stomach.
Lotus seed has effect of stimulating to eat
deliciously, absorb nutrients well, preserve mind, increase blood, help sleep
well and restore health.
Lotus heart has the bitter taste. It has
cold feature, it makes mind pure, reduce high blood pressure and stop the
bleeding. It is used to cure diseases such as being dazzled, losing sleep,
palpitating, the fast heart rate, improving the state of anemia of myocardium
due to the ability of stretching the wall of blood, reducing the amount of
consuming oxygen of myocardium and improving the flow of circulation in
coronary artery. Every day, you can use 4-10 grams of dried lotus heart with
boiling water – it can help you cure insomnia.

grows in water.
The disability of coronary artery is
popular in atherosclerosis. This disease is popular to old people and people
that have the disorder of group of fat in blood. With the folk experience,
using white lotus with sugar candy for the people that have the disability of
coronary artery by: take 10 grams of lotus, wash them smoothly. Use 2 grams of
sugar candy and clean water, next you put them into bowl and put the bowl in
pot of rice that is just dried. You take it out and use it after lunch and