In summer months, the problem of cellulite
always rears its ugly head. It can be the deal breaker between wearing your
sexy shorts or your cover-all maxi dress.
It’s hard to eliminate cellulite altogether
but there are lifestyle changes, beauty treatments and products that will help
reduce its dimply appearance. ‘You cannot get rid of cellulite, but if you
commit to a change in lifestyle you can reduce the existing condition and
prevent it becoming worse’, says Sarah Russell, master educator for natural
cosmetics brand (comfort zone).
Follow our plan to identify the three types
of cellulite and how to treat them. It’s time to comfort your dimpled skin, and
send it on its way!

goodbye to cellulite with these skin-smoothing tips
Cellulite type
1. Edematous cellulite
‘During this stage, several changes occur
that are invisible to the naked eye’, says Russell. ‘There’s reduced capillary
blood flow – due to an increased volume of fat cells and fluid begisn to
accumulate in the tissues’. Your skin appears slightly swollen and soft, and
dimples are only apparent when the skin is pinched.
2. Orange-peel cellulite
‘Fat cells increase in volume and
capillaries are weakened due to the decline in microcirculation’, says Russell.
‘This increases the pressure in eth tissue and restricts fluid drainage and
circulation even more’. This stage is visible when you’re standing up and looks
like ‘orange peel’. Your skin can also feel cool to the touch.

stage is visible when you’re standing up and looks like ‘orange peel’. Your
skin can also feel cool to the touch.
3. Adipose cellulite
‘Lymphatic fluid has built up and
circulation is reduced, causing metabolism in the cells to slow down’, says
Russell. ‘Cellulite may harden and become sensitive to touch, and your legs can
feel heavy, swollen and fatigued’. If you have this form of cellulite, it will
be clearly visible when you are standing or even lying down.
Lifestyle tip
1. H2O-so-good
‘In this early stage of cellulite
development, the areas is usually quite soft and spongy, indicating eth
retention of fluid’, says Russell. ‘Focus on improving the efficiency of your
lymphatic system (your body’s waste disposal system), which relies on regular
fluid intake. Aim to drink at least two liters of water every day’.
2. Get moving
‘Exercise boosts circulation of the blood
as well as the lymphatic system’, says Russell. ‘Increasing blood circulation
will improve the oxygenation and nutrition of cells, leading to an improved
appearance of cellulite to an improved appearance of cellulite’. Plus exercise
enhances the natural process of ‘lipolysis – our body’s process of breaking
down fat to use as energy.

boosts circulation of the blood as well as the lymphatic system
3. Skip the sugar
‘Compromised blood flow can cause skin to
be cold and sensitive or even painful, so choose spa treatments wisely’,
advises Russell. Cut sugar out of your diet where possible, as it triggers
insulin production, which promotes the formation of fat cells. It can also
harden collagen fibers which trap fat, reduce circulation and increase water

blood flow can cause skin to be cold and sensitive or even painful, so choose
spa treatments wisely
Beauty blitz
1. Knead it out
Get your massage technique right to tackle
cellulite on a daily basis. You can knead cellulite on your tum, bum and thighs
(use a life and squeeze motion, as if you were kneading dough) or use heavy
stroking movements to help shift stubborn pockets. Always stroke towards your
heart to increase lymphatic drainage

your massage technique right to tackle cellulite on a daily basis. You can
knead cellulite on your tum
2. Soak solution
Use 200g of Epsom salts (magnesium
sulphate) in your bath to improve the removal of toxins from the lymphatic
system, as the magnesium boosts your waste elimination processes. Hit the sauna
or the steam room after a workout, too – the heat dilates your blood vessels to
improve your circulation.
3. Daily dose
Speed up fat metabolism from the inside out
with Functionalab Body Toning Beauty Dose capsules ($49.5 for 30 days’ supply; Active ingredients include grape seed antioxidants to increase fat
metabolism and support blood vessels and capillaries, plus vitamin C, omega-3
and hydrolyzed collagen to improve skin strength and elasticity.

up fat metabolism from the inside out with Functionalab Body Toning Beauty Dose
H&F recommends
Tighten soft and doughy skin with a firming
gel. We love Champneys Spa Treatments Mineral Detox Firming Hip & Thigh Gel
($15 for 200ml; Ingredients include caffeine to improve
microcirculation and seaweed extract to even out skin tone.
Eating grapefruit helps eliminate toxins
from the body, and when massaged onto targeted areas, grapefruit oil can help
reduce the appearance of cellulite. Try Avalon Organics Grapefruit &
Geranium Hand and Body lotion ($10.25 for 340g;
We love (comfort zone) Body Stratehist +
Remodeller cream ($65.25 for 150ml; It has a hot/cold thermo
genic action to stimulate the circulation of the blood and lymphatic system.
Used twice a day for 30 days, 87 per cent of people saw an improvement.