Giving birth is a hard process - physically and emotionally.
You will feel exhausted and extremely painful after that. It takes many weeks
to completely recover. Here is some advice that helps you to hasten the

Take care of your
baby and yourself too
1. Get rest. Do not
do anything except feeding the baby and taking care of yourself. Do not expect
to keep your house perfect. Ask for help from your family or friends like doing
the chores in the first few weeks.
2. Let your husband
or boyfriend take care and feed the baby. At first, you need to wake up 3 or 4
times at night to feed the baby. After that, your husband can help by changing
the nappy. You can also prepare you breast milk or powdered milk and let your
husband feed the baby while you are resting.

Relaxing is
3. Think positive
and relax. Researches show that positive thought after birth can fasten the
4. Give the
baby your breast milk. Researches show it quickly helps to resize your uterus.
5. Doing exercise
helps you regain your strength and release stress. A walk through your
neighborhood with your baby in a stroller is very helpful for the recovery. Try
to do it everyday. But donot push it too hard. If you are still bleeding, limit
to go up and down the stairs.

Getting a lot of
exercises is really good for your health
6. Use icepacks to reduce
pain and swelling. It might continue to bleed in a few days after you come
home. Ask the doctor for aspirin if you cannot stand the pain. Use stool softener
to avoid constipation.