Guessing the baby’s sex through the shape of the belly, or
thinking that a small belly causes low birth weight is one of the wrong
Guess the sex of the baby through the shape of the belly
Many people have tricks to guess the sex of the baby by the
pregnant belly of the women; for example, of your belly is high and wide,
you’re pregnant with a girl, and if your belly is low and protruding, you will
definitely give birth to a boy.

Many people have
tricks to guess the sex of the baby by the pregnant belly of the women
That’s just a wide guess, as there’s no scientific proof for
that. The actual shape of the belly is affected by the position of the fetus.
In most cases, the fetus heads down and his face also heads toward the mother’s
uterus. However, there’s a small rate that the fetus’ position is reversed.
If the fetus is horizontal then the belly will look
differently flat until the baby returns to his first position.
Small pregnant belly doesn’t mean that your child is low in weight
People believe that, the bigger the pregnant belly is, the
heavier the fetus is, and small pregnant belly can cause malnutrition to the
baby. In most cases, the judgment above is not right. If you’re tall and you
have tight abs, your belly is normally high and neat. On the other hand, if
you’re short and you have lots of belly fat, your belly will look huge.

People believe
that, the bigger the pregnant belly is, the heavier the fetus is, and small
pregnant belly can cause malnutrition to the baby.
Judging whether the fetus is big or small depends much on
ultrasound scan and the calculating way of specialists. At that time, the fetus
can grow smaller or bigger than the gestational age. However, this kind of
calculation is relative as the difference of the predicted conception day and
the actual conception day is pretty huge.
Affection of pregnant belly toward stretches
Stretches is not only common on the belly, it also appears
in chest, back, waist and thigh of pregnant women. About 50% of pregnant women
have stretches; though, the reason for that is not clear. In most cases,
stretches can be related to the changes of hormones during pregnancy and cause
the cells under the skin to be stretched.

Stretches is not
only common on the belly, it also appears in chest, back, waist and thigh of
pregnant women
Stretch isn’t due to the large size of the belly. It relates
to the collagen and elastin inside the skin. Stretches can turn into red and
cause itchy during pregnancy. After delivery, the light-colored ones normally
lose their color or turn into brighter skin tone, less obvious.
It’s hard to prevent stretches during pregnancy. The creams,
essential oil (such as vitamin E) and other moisturizers can’t completely
prevent stretches. However, they make your skin less dry and reduce itchiness.
Note: the size of the belly is different for each mother.
Comparing the size of your belly to other mothers is just for fun, and you
don’t need to worry too much about that even when your belly is smaller (or
bigger) than other’s.