You want to get pregnant … within the next 12 months
Swerve sugar
The best diet for maximising your fertility
is a low GI one. ‘Refined carbohydrates such as sugar cause a rapid release of
glucose into your bloodstream, followed by a spike in insulin,’ sxplains Dr
Glenville. ‘Studies show raised levels of this hormone cause your ovaries to
produce more testosterone, which can lead to polycystic ovary sundrome (PCOS)
and prevent ovulation.’ Symptoms include irregular periods, weight gain and
excess body hair, so if you are worried, see your GP.
‘Whether you are showing symptoms or not,
you should avoid sugar and refined carbs (white bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits)
and go for wholegrain foods (wholemeal bread. Nrown pasta and rice), which
release energy slowly,’ she adds.

want to get pregnant … within the next 12 months
Book a holiday
A sunshine break will not just put you in a
more romantic mood, it could make you more fertile, too. ‘Sunlight triggers the
skin to produce vitaminD,’ explains Dr Glenville, ‘a deficiency of which is
linked with infertility, as it plays a role in balancing sex howmones in women
and improving sperm count in men. Studies also show that vitamin D dampens your
immune response, which means your body is less likely to reject the foreign DNA
contained in the embryo (half of which belongs to your partner).’ If your
budget will not stretch to a holiday, even just stepping outside for 20 minutes
of natural light every day can make all the difference.
Enjoy the ride
Nothing kills the moment like peeing on a
strick. ‘Too many couples get caught up in ovulation kits and “baby making”
sex, when they should be simply enjoying themselves in bed,’ says Michael. ‘Not
only will this help you both stay connected, but there is evidence that
passionate- rather than functional- sex can increase the sperm content of your
man’s semen by 50%.’ Switch the conception books for Fifty Shades of Grey by E
L James (Arrow, $12.18), the new erotic novel everyone is talking about.
Easy on the espressos
If you can not funtion without coffee, it
is time to cut back. ‘There is plenty of evidence to show that caffeine,
particularly coffe, decreases fertility,’ warns Dr Glenville. ‘In fact,
drinking as little as one cup of coffe a day can halve your chances of
conceiving. Try to cut out all caffeine- containing foods and drinks, including
cola, chocolate, black teas and coffee, for at least three months before trying
to conceive to maximise the quality of your egg. This is how long it takes for
a new egg to mature before release.’
Make room for a baby

Which we do not mean decorate the nursery.
‘So many couples get hung up on trying to get pregnant, that they do not stop
to think about the end product,’ says Emma Cannon, author of The Baby- Making
Bible (Rodale, $22,84). ‘The subconscious is a powerful thing- if you are not
ready for a baby emotionally, it could get in the way of conception.’ Dr
Glenville agrees: ‘Stress is a contraceptive. It can disrupts ovulation and in
men it can alter sperm count and even structure,’ she says. ‘Take this time to
have an emotional clear- out and to make way for a baby, whether that is taking
on less at work or focusing on your relationship.’
He should be .. keeping his cool
Testicles dangle like they do because sperm
production requires a lower temperature than the rest of the body. Anything
that raises it- tight pants, hot baths, long bike rides or car journeys, hours
spent with a laptop on his knees- can affect this. So remind your man to stick
to baggy boxers and showers, take the train and rest his laptop on a hard
surface from now on! Meanwhile, a good pre- natal supplement, such as
Fertility Plus For Men ($45.36 for a month’s supply,, will help keep his swimmers healthy.
Do it now!

Pop a pre- natal pill. Eating a well
balanced diet is important, but to make sure your body has the optimum dose of
folic acid (a B vitamin essential to foetal development), it is also vital to
start taking a pre- natal supplement such as Pregnacare Conception ($15.47 for
30 capsules, at least three months before you conceive.