Children that suffer from anorexia can be
undernourished, reduce resistance and as a result, they can catch disease
easily. However, there are 50% of children from 19 to 24 months old suffer from
Children that suffer from anorexia can be
undernourished, reduce resistance; and as a result, they can catch disease
easily. However, there are 50% of children from 19 to 24 months old suffer from
Anorexia is one of 4 problems about
nutrition to children (after undernourished state, obesity and lacking
micronutrients). Frequency about anorexia of children is popular with 29% of
babies from 6 to 11 months old, 35% for age 12-14 months, 46% - 15-18 months
old and 50% to 19-24 months.
Fearing to eat
Children’s anorexia makes make many parents
worry. To many families, when they feed babies, they often turn on TV that has
advertising or dancing programs to lure babies to open their mouth and parents
will slip the spoon of food to children’s mouth.
Many parents must take children to go
around their neighborhood to lure them to eat. However, many children don’t
open their mouth and don’t eat. Many parents feel angry and impatient, so they
scold, threaten children, so children both eat and cry.
Therefore, nutritious doctors often see
that parents often complain about the anorexia state of children, like “I must
be patient to wait babies to eat little by little, it takes me 2 hours to
feed”. “When babies are headstrong to eat, I scold and force them to eat”. “I
grind foods that babies don’t like such as mixed vegetables to dishes that
babies like so that they won’t recognize”.
The habit of forcing babies to eat all food
and eat a lot of foods can have counterproductive effect. This thing can make
children put up resistance and they don’t like to eat more. Besides, pressure
of eating and drinking can cause positive effect for children and it also
affects the process of digesting and absorbing necessary nutrients for
children’s total development.

habit of forcing babies to eat all food and eat a lot of foods can have
counterproductive effect.
How to help children eat happily? Children
that suffer from anorexia can be undernourished and their resistance can be
reduced and as a result, they can catch diseases because lacking
micronutrients. Parents don’t use suitable and scientific methods to help
children eat. On the contrary, they force their children to eat more. Parents’
desire creates pressure for children and it becomes torture to children.
The time for eating is the happy time
To help babies not suffer from anorexia,
parents and children can create the good habit of eating and drinking together
by the way that both father and mother must be an example to their children and
they shouldn’t force children to eat. You should let babies eat by themselves.
You can encourage and praise children when they agree to eat. In addition, you
should let children try and choose food due to their desire.
According to many researches of the
nutritious experts, when parents scoop up food for children, the frequency that
babies refuse to eat is more than letting babies eat by themselves. When you
let babies eat by themselves, they will have independent feature more.
Moreover, mothers’ attitude to feeding
babies is very important. Children will suffer from anorexia if mothers have
unusual mood or they are even a picky eater. The way to create good eating and
drinking habit of children is that parents don’t threaten and force children to
eat their food.

attitude to feeding baby is very important.
You shouldn’t pamper babies too much and
you shouldn’t be too strict because this thing can create stress for babies in
eating time. In addition, parents need to pay attention and know when their
children feel full or hungry, which dish children like or dislike. Some other
methods that can stimulate babies to be interested in meal are that parents can
let babies not eat some foods so that they will crave for those dishes more.
The eating time is the time that babies
feel happy. Therefore, parents pay attention that they shouldn’t scream or tug
with children about eating and drinking. You shouldn’t also “post a reward”
because eating is only a “necessary thing of life”. You shouldn’t let meal last
over 20 minutes. You should let babies know that hoe hungry and full feeling
is. Parents should be an example to children about eating and drinking, create
happy air in meals. At that time, meals will become interesting things for
members in family.

should be an example to children about eating and drinking, create happy air in
To help children feel pleasant with food
and have good health, parents need to choose fresh and clean foods and let
children decide the amount of food by themselves so that it can liberate pressure
for parents and children.