The hot and muggy weather can make children
feel unpleasant, tired and lazy to eat more. Therefore, mothers especially need
to pay attention to nutritious menu of your children in this period.
Things that you need to avoid in children’s summer menu
Do not put children’s foods in normal
environment over 2 hours because this can make food easily contaminated by
bacteria. It will be very dangerous for their health.
You shouldn’t let children eat the dishes
containing a lot of hot and peppery spices such as pepper, chili, and ginger…
that aren’t good for children’s digestive system.
You shouldn’t let babies eat too salty dishes
because they will have bad effect to their kidneys and children will feel
thirsty quickly.
You shouldn’t let children eat a lot of
ice-cream because it can make babies’ mucous membrane in mouth be harmed. As a
result, they can catch diseases abut respiratory system.
You shouldn’t let children use foods and drinks
such as tea, coffee.

shouldn’t let children eat a lot of ice-cream.
In summer, children’s diet needs to be cool
to make their body antifebrile. Parents should let children eat the group of
foods that has the high antifebrile feature such as amaranth, water morning glory,
pumpkin, spinach, sour soup to help children avoid tired feeling and anorexia.
This thing helps bring cool feeling. In addition, it also provides a lot of
vitamins for their body, add fibers that are very good for children’s digestive
system. You need to limit fried dishes. Moreover, you need to add for children
with cool and nutritious snacks such as lotus seed sweet soup, milk, yoghurt,
flan cake.

summer, children’s diet needs to be cool to make their body antifebrile.
Necessary groups of food
According to nutritious experts, in
average, children need to add from 50 to 60 different nutrients. Therefore, to
help children absorb enough necessary nutrients, their menu must contain the
important groups of food such as Carbohydrate, protein, lipid, vitamins and
In addition, to help children digest well,
you need to add 1-2 cups of yoghurt/day and drink 400-500ml of milk/day. You
can let children drink fresh milk or powder milk with the full cream.
Add the sources that provide vitamin
In hot weather, children’s body will sweat
a lot. In addition, the high exercising can make children lack vitamins With
the loss of calories and electrolytes through sweat, excreting, minerals and
vitamins are also lost, especially vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and PP that can be
quickly lost.
To add the amount of vitamin that is lost
through exercising process of children, parents can choose the kinds of fruit
that are fresh, nutritious such as pineapple, orange, watermelon, strawberry,
avocado, papaw… Fruit not only is the source that can provide a lot of
vitamins, nutrients and fiber for children but also helps them intensify the
immune system and prevent diseases in summer.
Add water
Lacking water in hot days is the popular
thing to both adults and children. Lacking water not only affects children’s
development but also is the reason that causes some popular diseases in summer
such as flu, fever… Therefore, mothers especially need to pay attention to let
children drink water regularly and drink enough necessary water in day.
Besides, you can add water for children by drinking kinds of drink that have
nutritious value such as fresh milk, soya milk, drinking yoghurt, fruit juices.

can let your children use nutritious drinks such as fruit juices, soya milk…
Mastering notes, the things that you should
and shouldn’t do in taking care of and building up the daily menu for babies is
the extremely important in the period that weather is implicit many dangerous
risks for children’s health.