You can think that the following things are
simple; however, they are the things that you should do for your children if
you want the best things for them.
All parents want to bring the good things
for their children. There are the things that are simpler than you think, they
can help children have the happy life and they can develop best.
Teach your children through stories
Children are the people that have just come
to the world. They don’t have any information, so they need to study as much as
possible. The best way to do this thing is that you should tell your children
stories as much as possible. You can be creative about stories about the world
around. When you can create the interesting stories, children will want to
discover and study more.

you can create the interesting stories, children will want to discover and
study more.
Don’t sit still and quietly
The best way to encourage your children to
love exercising is that you should be an example to your children. Children can
study from you that go out to enjoy pure air unless it rains. This thing not
only is good for your health but also helps babies practice the ability to
overcome difficulties from exercising lessons and playing sport.
Be accepted by everyone
Nowadays, there are many types of family
and the ethnic groups. The best way that you can teach your children is tolerance,
acceptance and sympathy. If your children study these values, and parents must
be the typical examples, their list will become simpler and more sufficient. In
anytime when you feel angry and want to throw a cat through the window, you
should stop and think that what your children study from this thing.
Always have dinner with family
Wife of Michelle Obama USA President told
that having dinner together is a traditional that was established at White
House in USA by her family and it creates the big difference. Not need to pay
attention to anything that takes place, at 6:30 p.m., everyone will stop all
things and have dinner together. Even when the president have official visit,
his purpose is going home on time for dinner. Dinners can be used to create
combination for children. The whole family will talk and spend this qualified
time for family.

dinner, the whole family will talk and spend this qualified time for family.
Sometimes, don’t make up and let your children recognize
that you are pleased with your appearance.
Everyone wants to be beautiful. However,
there are many things that are more wonderful and especial than your
appearance. Those are style, characteristics, kindness, and confidence. You
children will see these things to study from you more than the things that you
teach them.
Take children to your work
A director of Hollywood film told that he
always takes his children to film studio so that his children can see the
actors and actresses there and what their father does. Children can feel
however hard everyone must work, indulgence with hope to do the best things.
You do other work and you can also let your
children witness how hard you work and your love for working.
Behave politely
You should let your children see that the
way you shake hands of someone to create friendliness, look into other people
and how politely you behave with people that help you in life. You will never
have the second chance to create the first impression, so you need to remember
these things and teach children have possible behaving way in all situations.
Say “no” with your children
Children need to study the way to postpone,
including pleased feeling. The life isn’t always the things that we want. When
you say “no” with something, children have reasonable attitudes with that
thing, children will study how to accept refusing and face the unsuccessful

need to study the way to postpone, including pleased feeling. The life isn’t
always the things that we want.
Bring music to life
Music is always fulcrum for mind and it is
also a friend. It can help people show and overcome their emotion. You should
let your children understand this thing by bringing music to children’s life.

is always fulcrum for mind and it is also a friend.
Don’t judge your children
You should always listen and try to teach
your children the suitable ways for behaving that don’t make children feel
ashamed about their value.