Gene affects children’s intelligence; however,
scientific researches prove that there are many other elements that create
intelligence for children.
If parents want their children become more
intelligent, they cannot ignore 9 following chances.
1. Let babies have enough sleep
Many researches and a recent research of
Stanford University proved that memory in particular and intelligence in
general will reduce a lot when children don’t have enough sleep and sleep
deeply. Sleep will brain eliminate tiredness. When children sleep less, it will
affect the development of mental power and the ability to acquire and study,
and it can even cause problems about hyperactivity and losing the controlling
about emotion.
2. Contact with music early and regularly
According to a research of scientists of
Toronto University, music has big effect in improving IQ index and increasing
children’s memory. This is one of the reasons why scientists advise mothers to
let babies listen to music and contact with music when children are in their
mother’s womb. The most important thing is that music can help children study
language when they are in their mother’s womb.

has big effect in improving IQ index and increasing children’s memory.
There are many ways to help babies interact
with music: parents can begin a new day together with babies with the song
“Wake up. Wake up quickly”, or you can let babies listen to music in meals or
sing to lull babies.
3. Have breakfast regularly and breakfast needs to have enough
A new research of experts of Florida
Integrated University, “If children have breakfast regularly, they will become
more intelligent”. Experts showed that ignoring breakfast will make the amount
of sugar in blood lower than normal and it will make brain lack nutrients. If
this state lasts, it will affect development and activities of children’s
brain. In addition, the quality of breakfast also affects children’s

breakfast regularly will help children become more intelligent.
Nutrition that is diversified and has
enough nutrients will help babies concentrate and it also brings many other
benefits about developing constitution and immune system for children.
4. The habit of reading book, newspaper
People recognize that reading book is one of
the effective ways in helping children become more intelligent. This method is
correct not only with children but also with all ages.
The more the number of books that children
can contact in house, the higher their thinking ability is. This is a
conclusion after making a research of Professor Brian Avants, a researcher of Pennsylvania
University in USA.
Therefore, parents should help children
form the habit of reading book both in house and at school. To novels, children
only read to entertain with some level. You should encourage children to read
the kinds of book that have a lot of knowledge and sharing experience that are
suitable for children’s age.
5. Play game
Eliminate the thinking that playing game is
bad. Besides games that have positive effects, there are some games that can
help develop mentality and organizing skill as well as stimulate children’s
Many game companies in the world programmed
and are programming he genres of video game for children, even with children
that have just known to go to improve exercising skill as well as their memory.
Mothers only pay attention to the time that they let children to play and the
suitable games. This thing will help children prove their intelligence.
6. Games about intelligence
Games such as chess, crossword, riddle, puzzle,
finding road in maze can practice brain for children. Parents shouldn’t
hesitate to give the complex problems and ask children to solve those problems.

about intelligence can practice brain for children.
Parents should spend a lot of time finding
out and choosing safe and educational toys for their children to give condition
to help children’s development develop more.
7. Diet
Nutrients have effect in supporting to help
children prove genetic potentiality about available intelligent gene. Mothers
need to prepare about 1-3 months before becoming pregnant to help your children
be intelligent and healthy. Eating and drinking with enough nutrients before becoming
pregnant, raising children with mother’s milk, letting babies eat suitably will
help children develop about intelligence and brain well. Parents can also
combine with educate and create a good living environment for children. If you
do these things well, you will have the intelligent and healthy children.
8. Be hard to exercise
According to some researches to
grade-schooler of experts of Illinois University, attending sport activities
can helps children improve self-confidence, collective working ability as well
as leading ability.
Some simple exercises in the morning will
help children become more fluent, intelligent and happier. You and your
children can run around your ward, dance with a melody or do some simple
movements of yoga. When children form these habits, children will like to
exercise with their parents every morning.

simple exercises in the morning will help children become more fluent,
intelligent and happier.
9. Let baby’s hands operate
According to research of modern science,
activities of hand relate to the development of brain. In people’s brain, there
are some special areas that are the most active and creative. When both hands
of children do some subtle and skillful movements that can activities of this
area, if not, this area is in the state of sleeping peacefully.
Moreover, sometimes, parents should
encourage their children to use non-dominant hand because these things will
help the different areas in children’s brain develop and it will help children
become more intelligent. You teach babies do daily work with non-dominant hand
such as brushing teeth, using spoon, drawing picture of throwing ball with the
left hand.