You should make a list and only put the
foods that are useful for health in house. This thing will help children study
the way to choose the foods that are good for health.
Create healthy choice
You should make a list and only put the foods
that are useful for health in house. This will help children study the way to
choose the foods that are good for health.
Avoid the area of soft drinks, carbonated
drinks or kinds of canned fruit juices at the stores.
Always have water in meals
Encourage children to eat slowly
A child can detect that it feels full or
hungry better when it eat slowly. Before giving a dish, you should let your
children wait in some minutes to consider that children really feel hungry or
not. This thing will help brain have time to admit enough information.
Eat together with family
You should try to create meals that
children can eat together with their family as much as possible.
You should make meals pleasant with talks
and sharing, not scolding or arguing.
If meals aren’t comfortable, children will
study the way to eat faster to leave the dining-table as soon as possible. They
will study that eating and drinking relate to stress.

should make meals pleasant with talks and sharing.
Pay attention to children’s hobbies
When you go shopping or prepare for meals,
you should let children go and attend together with you. This thing will give
you the suggestions about eating and drinking habit of children. It will be a
chance for you to teach children about nutrition and create self-controlled
In addition, children will form the habit
of being ready to eat and taste foods that they prepare.
Have time for snacks
Noshing continuously can lead to eating a
lot; however, if you give children food on a certain time in day, snacks will
become a part of diet that doesn’t affect the main meals.
Do not watch TV when eating
Although that is snack or main meal, you
must say “no” with TV. Therefore, you should eat dining-room or kitchen, places
that don’t have TV.
Eating in front of TV will make children
neglect the full feeling; as a result, they will eat more.

in front of TV will make children neglect the full feeling, so they will eat
Encourage children to drink water more
Instead of soft drinks, carbonated drinks,
filtered water, fresh lemon juice will be the best choice for children.

should encourage children to drink more water.
Do not punish or reward children with food
Punishing and not letting children eat
anything will make children have worried psychology because they think that
they don’t have enough food to eat. As a result, they will try to eat anything
when they have chance.
Similarly, if you use sweat foods as
reward, children will think that these foods are good or these things are more
valuable than other foods. For example, you tell children that they will be
eaten candies if they eat all kinds of vegetable. In this case, children will
understand that candies will be the thing that they need to eat, vegetables are
only the forced thing.
Find out the diet in school
You must ensure that meals outside family
always have balance about nutrition.
You need to find out about menu for lunch
at school and pay attention to choosing to eat and drink in restaurant. This is
the way that can teach children eat and drink healthily.
Pay attention to component and portion
You should always read label of products
and limit the foods that saturated fat. You need to ensure that the amount of
calories that babies charge for each portion is suitable by reading table of
component that is written in label.