Pregnancy is measured in trimester, with the
first trimester occurring in the first 3 months of pregnancy. During the first
3 months - from the date of your last disappeared period – a woman may not even
know she is pregnant. In the first 3 months, pregnant women may feel constantly
tired or exhausted, and it is important that women have to take care of
themselves during this time. Checking out activities that can be dangerous to
the baby or mother helps an expectant mother keep safe during her pregnancy.

Experts say that there is no amount of alcohol
safe for a pregnancy. Alcohol can affect the healthy development of the fetus.
Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, when it is consumed and how often
it is consumed, it can lead to developmental disorders. If you are trying to
get pregnant, you do not drink alcohol.

Paint fumes from the polyurethane house paint
can cause neurological damage in the fetus. While inhaling paint in a short
time is unlikely to harm the fetus, maybe inhaled paint fumes will go into the
blood stream. These chemicals can be dangerous to the fetus. To be completely
safe during your first 3 months, you have to avoid wet pain completely.

During the first 3 months, you should avoid
taking unnecessary drugs. In the first 3 months, the fetus is easily vulnerable
before any chemicals that go into the bloodstream of the mother. Ask your
doctor before taking the drug. Aspirin and cough suppressant dextromethorphan
are 2 drugs that you should avoid during your first trimester. Try non-medical
methods that help relieve pain before taking the drug.

While the caffeine absorption at moderation is
considered to be good in the later stages of pregnancy, caffeine should be
avoided completely during the first 3 months. During the first 3 months,
caffeine can contribute to miscarriage. While you can drink coffee after the
first 3 months, keep the consumption at a low level to prevent water and
calcium loss.