You desire a son more than anything? Wondering what you can
do to have a boy? Believe it or not, there are tips to increase the potential
to have a boy. If you really want it, read for more…

Want a son more than anything?
1. Choose time to
have sex: Y chromosome sperms (boy sperm) usually run faster than X chromosome
sperms (girl sperm), but the girl sperms live longer than the male ones (just
like men run faster than women and women live longer than male, just kidding!).
However, seriously, research shows, if you have sex 3 or 4 days before
ovulation, female sperms are still alive to fertilize with eggs, but the male
sperms are already dead. So, if you want a boy – have sex on your partner’s

time before sex
2. Diet: the latest
research shows mothers who have cereal at breakfast have more potential to have
a baby boy. Research also shows mothers with high calorie diet on their period
have more chances to have a boy.

a heathy diet
3. Men should not
drink or smoke because they will have girl sperms stronger than boy sperms, and
if men drink or smoke on women’s period, they are eliminating boy sperms. So,
if you really want a baby boy – tell your man to stop smoking.

your husband from drinking or smoking
Advice and warnings
Whether you have a boy or a girl, you should be happy and
remember some couples cannot have kids.