When pregnant, you should choose these seeds
for your nutrition menu.
1. Walnut
This kind of seed can provide pregnant
women with vitamin E, Omega-3, organic acids and phosphorus. Especially, the
organic acids in walnut can help stimulate the development of the fetal brain.
If pregnant women are keen on eating for a long period of time, babies will be

organic acids in walnut can help stimulate the development of the fetal brain.
Besides, researchers also believe that the
phosphorus fat in the walnut nucleus will be very good for nervous cells, and
especially, stimulate the blood regeneration and wood healing. For that reason,
there’s no surprise when walnut is always in the list of foods that are
recommended for pregnant women to use in order to stimulate fetal developments.
2. Beans
Beans are healthy sources for mother and
child because they contain nutrition components found in animal’s product.
Beans are also rich in zinc which is a necessary mineral for reducing the risk
of premature birth, low birth weight and labor prolonging. Additionally,
pregnant women can be provided with zinc by eating foods that has lots of zinc,
such as chicken meat, milk, cereals, cashew nuts, peas, crabs and oysters.

are rich-zinc foods that are very good for pregnant women.
3. Peanut
Peanut is a kind of seeds that are good for
women during pregnancy. In peanut, there’re more than 10 amino acids that is
necessary to human body, help stimulate brain cell reproductions, enhance
memory and increase the thinking development.
When eating peanut, you shouldn’t remove
the pink cover because it is good for blood and better pregnant women health.
However, you should boil or eat peanut with porridge in and avoid eating fried
4. Almond
Almond is a nutritious source for pregnant
women and help babies to be more intelligent with its omega-3.
Besides, folate and folic acid in almond
are very essential to pregnant women. It’s also the indispensable nutrition
source of fetuses. The folic acid in walnut can prevent fetuses from birth
Moreover, walnut is rich in magnesium that
helps reduce the risk of premature birth and stimulate the nervous system
development. Pregnant women eat lots of almond can provide fetuses with good
condition to develop and prevent inconveniences in pregnancy.

is nutritious for mother and child.
5. Chestnut
Chestnut contains lots of protein, fat,
calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins that are able to regulate the
blood flow, stimulate kidneys and provide nutrients to muscles. Pregnant women
eating chestnut regularly will be healthy, have better bones and can reduce
fatigue during pregnancy.
6. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds have a better level of
protein than any other seeds while having quite low level of calories.
Furthermore, sunflower seeds contain vitamin E and acids that have the
abilities to improve resistance, help pregnant women to have safe pregnancies
and prevent miscarriages. Besides, in sunflower seeds, there’re iron, zinc,
potassium, magnesium that all help pregnant women to avoid anemia.
Nevertheless, pregnant women should take
notice of the sunflower seed’s qualities and completely avoid eating the seeds
that are musty, fusty, or are spiced too much.

women shouldn’t eat sunflower seeds that are musty, fusty, or are spiced too
7. Watermelon and pumpkin seeds
Watermelon and pumpkin seeds that are
popular in our daily life have certain effects on intelligence developments of
fetuses. The seeds are not only delicious, but also able to provide minerals
like iron, potassium, vitamins, fat, and calories… Those are very necessary to
the body. In addition, eating watermelon and pumpkin seeds can help reduce the
risk of depression and be relaxed, conscious and perspicacious.
8. Lotus seeds
Lotus seeds are rich in calcium, protein
and phosphorus that are good for moods, kidneys, spleen, mental system and
mind. Because of those benefits, pregnant women shouldn’t skip lotus seeds in
order to stimulate the developments of the nervous system and brain of the