There’re daily habits that aren’t good for
children but are thought to be normal.
There’re daily habits that aren’t good for
children but are thought to be normal. That’s explained to happen to every
child. However, children will easily have diseases, which due to that habits.
Let’s take a look on some bad habits that
children often have.
Sleeping with a full stomach

shouldn’t sleep with a full stomach.
Children who go to sleep as soon as eating
full have to face with the fact that having a full stomach and the diaphragm
put pressure on the heart and prevent it from operating. Besides, lying right
after meals can cause bad effects on digestion. The foods that remain in the
stomach will make your children tired and uncomfortable after waking up. In the
worse situation, it can cause stomach pain.
Additionally, if eating over-fully will
make the stomach distended, digestive secretion decrease; the foods that aren’t
digested will all be discharged. Foods that aren’t digested will remain in the
colon and get fermented, which causes poison. This is also one of reasons
intervening digestion. For that reason, children will have sleeping difficulty
and digestion decrease.
Do not let children eat too much in 2 hours
before bed. You can encourage children to take part in some gentle activities
before bedtime, go out with you, do some simple exercises, brush teeth, wash
face… Those activities should last 10-20 minutes. You still have to make sure
that your children go to bed on time.
Staying up late

want to stay up late maybe because they are watching a cartoon and attracted to
Children want to stay up late maybe because
they are watching a cartoon and attracted to it; they have a long-hour sleep at
noon or the family members talk so loudly that children can hardly sleep… It
results that staying up late for times makes children not have enough and deep
sleep. Lacking sleep can bring effects that are extremely bad for children and
able to affect their development and health, such as increasing the risk of
obesity in children. Children who sleep 10 hours a day have risk 3 times as
much as children who sleep 12 hours/day. Because a few-hour sleep will increase
the hormone that stimulate hunger feeling and decrease the hormone that
constrains the feeling.
Few-hour sleeps can lead to difficulties of
height growing in children. Many experts believe that the growth hormone that
helps people get taller is secreted during 10 pm to 1 am, the time children are
most asleep. In the case children don’t sleep or have sound sleep, the hormone
can’t operate at full capacity to help they grow taller.

sleeps can lead to difficulties of height growing in children.
You should set your children a living habit
to make them eat and sleep on time. All the activities like eating, sleeping,
playing, studying have to occur habitually and in a certain time.
Let your children sleep alone. When
bringing babies to sleep, you should sing or tell a tale to them. The
comforting of yours will help babies to feel secure and reassuring enough to
get into sleep.
When children are sleeping, do not babble
around them. They will hardly have good sleep in a noisy environment. It’d
better if you go to bed as soon as your children do.
Keeping food in mouth

children like to keep the food in their mouth for a while before swallowing it
in every meal.
Some children like to keep the food in
their mouth for a while before swallowing it in every meal. This is a bad habit
as keeping food in the mouth, the digestive enzyme from salivary glands will
turn the food into glucose. That glucose will cling to teeth for a long time and
create a good condition for bacteria to get into and decay the teeth.
Give complements encouragements when
children eat the food right. If children focus on the TV and forget to chew and
swallow, you have to turn off the TV to have them focused on eating.

children focus on the TV and forget to chew and swallow, you have to turn off
the TV to have them focused on eating.
You shouldn’t make children to eat all the
food in a meal because they will chew more slowly when star to feeling full.
Instead of that, divide a big meal into small ones so that children will pay
more attention in eating.
If that habit lasts long, you need to take
them to a doctor to be checked and recommended a suitable nutrition regimen.
Biting nails, picking noses and wiping eyes
Children in around 2 years old hardly make
their hands stop doing things. Wiping eyes will create good condition for
bacteria to enter the eyes, cause scratches and affect eyesight. Obviously,
those habits are bad and harmful to children’s health.

nails will make the skin area around scratched and create good chances for
bacteria’s intrusion.
Biting nails will make the skin area around
scratched and create good chances for bacteria’s intrusion. Biting nails too
deep will also make the skin of hand bleed. Until the bacteria appear, baby’s
fingers are easily got infected.
Picking noses will infect the skin inside
the nose, spread flu and cold.
Wiping eyes: When feel sleepy or eye
itchiness, children often wipe their eyes. Wiping eyes will create good
condition for bacteria to enter the eyes, cause scratches and affect eyesight.

noses will infect the skin inside the nose, spread flu and cold.
Children need to wash hand regularly and
always have short their nails in order to avoid the dirt, make sure their hands
clean and has nothing to bite.
Teach your children the way to use
handkerchief or tissue instead of finger to pick noses or wipe eye.
Children who bit their nails, pick noses or
wipe eyes often have lack-of-work hands. You should help them to be busy with
their hands by useful and fun activities.