You don’t have to spend much trouble on
finding expensive kinds of medicine. Kinds of foods such as bean, avocado,
almond, chocolate or ginger are one of the super foods that are easy to find
and good for health.
Eat avocado to prevent cancer and heart disease
Avocado is one of the fruits containing
mono unsaturated fat that is good for heart. Scientists proved that eating
avocado will reduce LDL bad cholesterol and increase HDL good cholesterol.

is one of the fruits containing mono unsaturated fat that is good for heart.
Research of USA Association of Biochemical
and Molecular Biology shows that avocado is really weapon that can prevent
oxidized process effectively. An avocado contains nearly 20 different vitamins
and minerals. It is very good for people that go on a diet, reduces obesity and
protects body to prevent cancer and heart effectively.
Bean and lentil reduce breast cancer
According to a research of Harvard
University, it was done in 8 years with 90,000 women and showed: Women that eat
bean or lentil twice or many times/day will reduce 34% the risk of catching
breast cancer than women don’t use bean and lentil regularly.

and lentil are arranged to super foods.
And even when you eat a small amount of
bean with ½ of bowl every day can reduce 8% of cholesterol and reduces 16% of
the risk of catching heart disease.
Ginger – anti-inflammatory weapon
According to Food and Medicine Magazine,
Japanese researcher Huffington Post showed “Ginger is used in traditional
medicine of Indonesia as a reliever for diseases about arthritis”. A recent
research of scientists, there are over 250 people that have arthritis of knee.
As a result, people that use ginger twice in a day will feel less painful than
people that take medicine.

also helps intensify blood circulation.
Ginger also helps intensify blood
circulation. It is useful for heart, serum and improves neuter fat, HDL
cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol level. Ginger supports to reduce the state of
chronic inflammation with low rank that takes place in cell level in group of
patients: Diabetes type II, heart disease and Parkinson.
Black chocolate loses weight intelligently
Enjoying black chocolate every day will be
an intelligent strategy for you to lose weight because people prove that
chocolate can restrain feeling of craving for salty and sweet foods. It is
rather good in protecting heart and improves your brain’s activities.

black chocolate every day will be an intelligent strategy for you to lose
According to a recent research, eating
black chocolate not only helps people that have high blood pressure reduce
blood pressure but also improves process of synthesizing sugar to food in body.
Almond reduces diseases that relate to heart
You should know that almond is one of the
wonderful products for people that take a vegetarian meal and go on diet.
Almond is also source that contains a lot of protein and a little of calories.
It isn’t similar to cow’s milk.

is one of the wonderful products for people that take a vegetarian meal and go
on diet.
Moreover, almond also contains vitamin E,
magnesium, mono unsaturated fat, Cu, mangan, and ribloflavin that can intensify
energy and reduce diseases that relate to heart.