At the end of 2, babies can be aware of the world and show their
Yes, you are mature
(and are parents), so what you bring to your babies is usually truth (although
it is just what you have summed up).
However, sometimes you
have to use small tactics and ways to distract your baby’s vigilance so as to
train an obedient child that has known how to take care of itself since very
young. Here are some interesting ways for you.
How to make babies accept teeth cleaning?

To make babies accept
teeth cleaning, you can play dentist game with them.
Babies need to brush
teeth at least 2 times a day. Anyway, we have to recognize that this is easier
to say than do. When your children are 5 years old, they have not really wanted
to cooperate (or have not patient enough) to do this themselves. However, you
can try some interesting ways as follows:
your baby sit on your body and pretend to be a smooth dental chair. Suppose you
were examining your baby’s mouth, tell it to show teeth and then you can
lightly brush its teeth.
babies by toys
example, hold your baby’s favorite’s robot or doll and say: ‘Robot/doll wants
to brush teeth. Who will teach it to do that?’ When your baby still has no
answer, tell it to do first so that the robot/doll can imitate it. Your baby
will be very excited about this guide.
Imagine that toothbrush is a funny game
baby a toothbrush and make a sound like ‘gruh’ to make it understand that brush
teething is also a special game.
sentences you can tell babies
you want me to brush teeth for you? Or, do you want to brush teeth by yourself
and then I will help you check?’
make a competition to see who brushes teeth most slowly and carefully.’
one do you want me to brush for you first, the lower or the upper jaw?’
How to make babies have medicine
babies that have difficulty taking medicine, choose sweet medicines. There are
many sweet medicines for babies in the market, especially antibiotic and
febrifuge, both of which babies often have to use.
If you
have to feed your baby on bitter tablet, use spoon to grind it smoothly, then
put in some honey or sugar and stir thoroughly. Remember to make a cup of water
and some honey, soft drink, or confection so that after feeding medicine, you
can give your baby some water and something sweet. Maybe this helps it not to
be afraid of medicine as well as not vomit after taking medicine.
Always remember to let babies sit
when giving them medicine.

Remember to let babies sit when giving them medicine.
babies more than 1 year old, you can explain to them that taking medicine helps
them to recover from illness. Or, you can let babies play the game ‘feeding
doll on medicine’ to increase their bravery.
So as
for babies not to vomit, you need to prepare some attractive toys and give them
after they finish taking medicine.
the attitude of those who feed babies on medicine is also important. If you
prove to be calm and consider their taking medicine as a normal thing, they
will have no stress and will be less afraid of it. In contrast, if they
recognize that you are stressed or worry, they will get scared or wheedle you
babies that vomit easily, feed them medicine around 15 to 30 minutes before
meal in case they vomit all the food.
How to make babies wear clothes themselves?
the first months of babies’ lives, putting on clothes for them has been what
you have to do every day. While performing this task, you can describe what is
happening. Short sentences such as ‘give me your feet’ and ‘’where are your
hands’ may be useful to say whenever dressing for your babies.
give babies a chance to help you wear clothes, especially babies from 10 months
old. At these ages, you can stop for a while when putting their hands into the
armholes. Give them praise if they manage to push hands across the armholes themselves.

Always give babies a chance to help you wear clothes.
14 months old, calling clothes’ names becomes more important when they learn
new words. Base on this to impetus babies’ new habit to imitate – help them to
wear clothes on one side and let them wear on the other themselves.
At these
ages, babies understand that shoes are things to put on feet, but their ability
to coordinate muscles is not developed enough to wear shoes themselves. You can
help them a little if necessary. You do not want them to give up, but you also
should not show them that only you can do this.
some interesting orders of wearing clothes to encourage babies’ spirit to
cooperate and join. Sing some short song, play peekaboo with them when their
heads go through the collars. This helps babies wear clothes more quickly.
How to make babies be sociable with the community?
Instead of always being side by side with
babies, moms need to give them some private space to get sociable with the
community. At first, it is very difficult for both your babies and you to be
away from each other, so you have to gradually separate from them.
avoiding babies make them sad, hopeless, or nervous. Since 2 years old, babies
have been able to play with friends themselves, which not only helps babies
learn to talk but also creates their ability to adjust to society.
Do not
be afraid that your babies will be bullied and try to separate them from
friends. Let them get sociable by taking them to places where there are many
other babies at the same age. You can invite neighbor babies to your house.
Each baby holds a toy, so parents can teach their children how to share and be
sociable with others.
In a
simpler way, you can give babies some confection and suggest: ‘Give your
friends some’. At first, they may be shy, but will soon get on well with each
other, and you will have time to do other things. If babies fall or are beaten
by their friends, parents should not be worried.
At about 2, babies
begin to be aware of the world around and know how to express their feelings.
When fallen, they may burst into tears and come to their moms, or just lie to
wait for moms to pick them up. When bitten by friends, they are scared and dare
not play anymore, or pull their friends’ hair for revenge.
need to focus babies’ awareness on themselves, on the world around them, and on
how to behave – which behavior is suitable and which is not. However, in any
circumstances or problems, parents should not forbid babies from playing.