Most mothers question and don’t understand
clearly about this method when they exchange about Japanese weaning method for
babies. It’s very normal when mothers feel confused about this thing because
they have just heard, and read on blog without clear books or programs about
this thing. We will summarize and clear up the worries of mothers, especially
mothers that are preparing to let their babies wean with Japanese style.
1. Unify idea and psychology
Before babies enter to the period of
weaning, family needs to unify about idea as well as psychology. When babies
are born, the whole family loves them; however, you shouldn’t consider them the
center of universe so that adults can prevent many contradictions that can take

babies enter to the period of weaning, family needs to unify about idea as well
as psychology.
In weaning process, including weaning with
style of Japanese, French, American…, sometimes babies won’t cooperate and
sometimes they don’t and you should foresee difficulties.
2. Define expected achievements clearly
Principle of Japanese weaning is pay
attention to use natural foods or foods that are reared and grown such as:
vegetables, bulbs, fruits, fish, meat,…Processed foods such as canned food,
ham, kinds of spices are recommended not let children eat.

of Japanese weaning is pay attention to use natural foods such as vegetables,
bulbs, fruits…
Therefore, choosing Japanese weaning method
is to choose the tasteless eating, taste of soup that is made from vegetab粹es,
bulbs, or dashi (shaved fish and kombu seaweed). Firstly, you can let children
eat tasteless foods and after that it’s easy for you to adjust. If you let children
eat tasty foods before, they won’t agree when you change to tasteless foods
(especially vegetables).
What achievement do Japanese people expect
from babies? First of all, they hope their children to develop normally and
they don’t hope that their children will become obese. Menu of Japanese weaning
dishes pay attentions to a lot of vegetables, balance between flour, protein
and vitamin, especially less protein (the final period of 12-18 months, you
should feed your children with the maximum 20 grams). It’s not important to eat
a lot of sugar and milk. Japanese children aren’t obese, but they are strong,
they can pay well and they are also independent.

of Japanese weaning dishes pay attentions to a lot of vegetables, balance
between flour, protein and vitamin, especially less protein.
Secondly, through weaning, they can educate
children about the eating way. Children will know to chew and they also have
consciousness in eating, drinking, knowing to request, refuse and affirm
themselves. If mothers want to get this achievement, they must spend a
miserably hard process.
Some children know how to chew, they don’t
hold foods in their mouth and they sit at one place and eat the whole meal.
However, they react strongly when their parents force them to eat or when they
don’t like to eat some dish. Therefore, mothers must worry and be hard a lot
about their children’s eating and drinking.
Many mothers recognize that their children
are undersized, so they let their children wean. They hope babies to eat more
and become fatter. In reality, why do you let your children wean? The reason is
that children’s body needs to be provided other substances when they enter to
the age that needs to be added. This addition in suitable with the development
about constitution, so children need to wean to provide substances and practice
eating and drinking habit in the future.
However, the body really needs enough
nutrition through weaning when children are about 9 months old. Therefore,
Japanese weaning method in the first period of 5,6,7,8 months old has the
purpose to make children be familiar with food, raw feature and practice babies
the habit of eating and drinking. When babies’ eating and drinking habit is
good, some babies will eat like a hobby; some babies will eat less, they will
like, dislike many kinds.
3. Japanese weaning method doesn’t mean that you must use Japanese
Instead of using bone stock to cook soup,
Japanese method uses dashi that contains a lot of calcium. Japanese weaning
method is the method that let babies eat roughly on time.
4. In Japanese weaning method, do mothers let babies eat all foods separately?
This thing isn’t completely correct. It is
correct in the time when you let your children wean in the first time. At this
time, you need to stimulate children’s taste. Therefore, instead of cooking
many foods together, the tastes are unclear, you should practice babies to eat
the separate tastes of food. Soup is soup, vegetable is vegetable. Babies
should try although its taste is tasteless, scented, bitter a little.

should practice babies to eat the separate tastes of food.
When babies get acquainted with the kinds
of food, mothers can mix to change dishes for babies. However, if mothers
practice babies to eat tastelessly, all foods (including fruits…) also need to
be tasteless. If weaning di᳧hes are tasteless and fruits for dessert are too
sweet, this thing is also counterproductive. In the first period when you
practice babies to eat tastelessly, you should make strong taste or too sweet
taste weak. For example, you can mix fruits with yoghurt, make fruit juices
weak a little.
Japanese mothers feel easy to create dishes
for their children, one different of vegetable and bulb for each meal, mothers
can let babies eat soup separately or mix them together. To help babies like to
eat rice, mothers pay attention to let babies eat white porridge.

help babies like to eat rice, mothers pay attention to let babies eat white
5. Respect babies
You should consider babies as the members
of family. You not only give food to baby’s mouth but also pay attention to baby’s
psychology. This experience is used to refer. Babies have the different
characteristics, and they will change in each different period. Therefore,
mothers need to catch this thing, adjust, direct and humor children.
With Japanese weaning method, you can
practice babies eat roughly on time, but parents need to have patience and
determination. You shouldn’t pay attention that baby A, baby B can eat like
that and your children are…You should try to adjust rough level that is
suitable with children You need to adjust gradually and you shouldn’t be
impatient. Mothers are also ready to prepare the psychology that in some time
babies will turn about with the things that you practice them. However, you
should believe that that is only a difficult period. You shouldn’t feel
stressed because it will affect babies. You need to humor children to overcome
this period.

need to have patience and determination in feeding babies.
Another aspect of respecting babies is the
way of feeding them. Air, background and color are the elements that affect babies’
eating and drinking. Each mother will have their own way because this thing
depends on each child. Anybody can become artists and make children happy to
eat deliciously. You should let baby’s meals have a lot of fun.