Avoid piling on the pounds on
holiday. This workout is so quick you can do it in your hotel room before you
hit the beach
You’ve spent months working hard to get
that über-toned bikini body – and with this 10-minutes fitness routine, you can
keep in shape while you’re on holiday, too. These four easy moves will work
your arms, legs and glutes, in the privacy of your hotel room, so there’s no
chance of you arriving home from your hols curvier than when you left.
How to do it
Warm up with a few minutes of star jumps or
go for a quick run along the beach, then do each move one after the other. Once
you’ve completed the whole circuit, repeat twice more, before cooling down with
some arm and leg stretches, making sure you hold each move for at least 20
seconds. After that, simply grab your sarong and suntan lotion, and go and
enjoy the sun.
Complete three rounds of each circuit,
taking as little rest as you can between each one.
1. Split squat
Reps: 10 each leg
Works: Things, hamstrings, bottom and core
Stand a few feet in front of a chair or bed
and extend your right leg behind you so your toes are resting on the seat (a).
Keeping your hips and shoulders square, and
your torso upright, slowly lower into a lunge as you drop your right knee
towards the floor
When your knee hovers around two to three
inches above the floor (b), push down through the heel of your left foot and
return to the starting position.

you’re comfortable doing multiple sets of 10 squats on each leg, increase the
difficulty by holding a full water bottle in each hand.
2. Tricep dips on chair
Reps: 15
Works: Triceps and shoulder
Sit on the edge of a chair or bed, and
place your palms facedown next to your thighs, fingers gripping the edge.
Place your feet on the floor in front of
you, with your knees bent/ then, keeping your arms straight, shuffle forwards
until your hips and bottom are in front of the chair (a).
Bend your elbows and lower your hips until
your upper arm are parallel to the floor (b). push back to the start.

easy? To challenge yourself further, raise your legs off the floor by placing
your feet on another chair.
3. Squats with hand towel
Reps: 20
Works: Core, legs, bottom, shoulders and
upper back
Stand with your feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart, with your feet parallel.
Grab a rolled-up towel with your hands
shoulder-width apart, and raise it overhead, so that your shoulders are roughly
in line with your heels (a).
Bend your knees and push your bottom back
as you squat down as far as possible, without letting your knees extend beyond
your toes (b). Push through your heels to return to standing.

with hand towel
4. Raised hand press-ups
Reps: 5 each arm
Works: Shoulders, arms, core and chest
In a half press-up position, with your
knees on the ground, place your hands underneath your shoulders, fingers facing
forward, and rest one hand on a book or other raised object (a).
Bend your elbows, lowering your chest to
the floor (b).
Engage your core and push through the heels
of your hands to straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

move will hit your shoulders and chest from a different angle – a great move
for tackling armpit overhang.