You can’t avoid old age and aging. A healthy
diet can help you prolong the youth and be more dynamic, younger than your age.
Yogurt contains friendly bacteria that
support the digestion. Yogurt can help the digestive system run well, so it can
prevent the body from intestinal infection. Besides, yogurt is rich in calcium,
supporting your bone health. It helps you prevent diseases relating to bone and
prevent osteoporosis in your old age.

healthy diet can help you prolong the youth and be more dynamic, younger than
your age.
Cardiovascular disease is one of diseases
that are popular to old-aged people. However, if you have a diet that is rich
in fish, you can prevent yourself from cardiovascular issues. Fish contains
omega-3 fatty acids that can prevent clogged artery caused by cholesterol
increase. It helps maintain heartbeat and heart functions.

are rich in unsaturated fat that can prevent cardiovascular diseases and
Seeds like cashew nuts, almond, pumpkin
seed… are proved to have the ability to extend the life expectancy for their
high level of nutrients and minerals. Seeds are rich in unsaturated fat that
can prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. They also contain lots of
vitamins and minerals that have the same abilities as antioxidants.
You will be young and healthy when having a
normal blood circulation. Chocolate can help you maintain a stable blood
circulation as it has flavonol which helps maintain the normal activities of
the veins in the body. The fact helps prevent heart issues relating to
hypertension, diabetes, memory lost and other ones relating to the kidneys.
Olive oil
Olive oil contains polyphenol and
antioxidants helping prevent diseases relating to ages. Seeds and olive oil
contain unsaturated fat and help prevent heart diseases and cancer.
Red wine

wine has an amount of substance called resveratrol which delay cell aging.
Red wine has an amount of substance called
resveratrol which delay cell aging. Therefore, drinking red wine with a
moderated amount will help prolong the youth in a natural way. Drinking red
wine moderately will help prevent heart diseases, diabetes and senile dementia.
However, a apart from having a healthy diet
to maintain the young look, you also need to have to be young at heart so that
the life expectancy can really be extended. Laugh more, have a happy life,
lessen complaints and you will be young and dynamic at all ages,