Women who are in the first time of pregnancy are usually surprised
even they have read books or researched on the internet.

Important notes
for pregnant women
You are also able to be confused by advice on pregnant
health from doctors or experienced mothers. Here are some basic notes that
pregnant woman should know:
Vaccinate flu
Even you regularly or never vaccinate flu, United States
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that women
vaccinate flu before or during pregnancy.
Pregnant women have risk of producing a severe side-effect
by suffering flu compared to non-pregnant women. You can be vaccinated at any
time during pregnancy because researchers have proved that flu vaccination is safe
for pregnant women.

You are also able
to be confused by advice on pregnant health from doctors or experienced
CDC said that women could be pain at vaccinating point. In
some cases, the mothers could feel sick, muscle pain, fever, and tired after
Consult pediatricians before giving birth
Do not wait until you have already given birth to consult
pediatric hospitals (or clinic). At that time, you will be tired because of not
knowing where to go if your baby has health problem right after birth.
That is the reason why you should search for pediatric
hospitals (or clinics) while you are in pregnancy, or you could seek out them
in the last three months of pregnancy.
Do not eat for both
Conception of eating for both mothers and children is
totally incorrect. That will make mothers gain weight too fast and create much
harm to both mothers and children. For example, quick gain weight in pregnant
women increases the risk of preeclampsia normally after the 20th week
of pregnancy.
To ensure nutrition for babies, mothers need to add more 300
calories each day. That means they can take more 2-3 suppers a day but diet
should be diversified and accurate.
Note to depression
If you have depression in pregnancy, you are not unique.
According to a research which was conducted by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), there is up to
40% women having depression in many levels. Some of them have to take medicine
in order to stable their emotion.
If you lose control during pregnancy, the most significant
thing is you need to go and see doctors. You must not take any drugs.