Fruits are very important source of foods that
provide us necessary nutrients and guarantee our health. But not all
fruits should be eaten much.

Eating too much apple harms heart and kidneys.
1. Apple
Apple juice can prevent diarrhea and
constipation if being drunk when
you are hungry. However, apple contains a lot of sugar
and potassium, so eating it too much will give bad effect on heart and kidneys.
People who have suffered from some diseases such as coronary heart, myocardial
infarction, diabetes, and diseases concerning kidneys should not take apple
2. Pear
Pear has effect on curing cough, sore throat, and heat. Those who often catch a cool abdomen and diabetes should not eat
pear much.
3. Persimmon
Persimmon includes plenty of vitamin A and
vitamin C which are helpful for decreasing blood pressure, operation of lungs.
But they contain a lot of sap and when this sap combines with stomachic acids
causing discomfort of epigastrium and indigestion, that phenomenon is not good
for stomach. When you have constipation or empty stomach, you should not eat
persimmon. Especially, after eating crab, absolutely do not take persimmon
because combination between them will create stones in stomach.

who often suffer from cool abdomen and diabetes should not eat pear much.
4. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is a tropical fruit consisting
of a plenty of sugar, minerals and vitamins. Pomegranate has effective usages
on dealing with sore throat, diarrhea, and rectal prolapsed. Experts said that
pomegranate is not good for teeth, so you should not eat them too much.
Especially, people have weakly physical strength also not take pomegranate.
5. Chestnut
Chestnuts include much starch, protein and
many vitamins which are beneficial to liver and kidneys, in addition to affect
adjust stomach’s function. Experts advise those who have kidney diseases should
eat chestnut frequently. However, chestnut is difficult to digest, so you do
not eat it much at once.