The change of weather and pressure of work
can stimulate neural cells, so it can make many people have headache. The
following ways can help you reduce the attack.
1. Headache because of weather
There are many reasons that can cause
headache. However, headache that is caused by weather is persistent and

that is caused by weather is persistent and violent.
Headache because of weather is difficult to
prevent. In this case, you need to use reliever, acupuncturing and taking a
rest to help reduce headache. Patients shouldn’t use reliever by themselves
without obeying direction. Every day, you should do exercise regularly, eat and
drink with enough substances to intensify body’s resistance.
2. Headache because of stress
Stress and pressure of work…are the popular
reasons that cause headache and megrim. The overcharged operation of neural
system, stress and not eating and drinking enough substances will lead to 70%
the case of acute headache.
When you begin to feel headache, you should
stop to do all things to find a place to relax, breathe pure air and exercise
smoothly to make attack reduce.

and pressure of work…are the popular reasons that cause headache and megrim.
You take the focus point: the middle of
eyebrow, after that you close your eyes, sit with straight back, keep soul
quiet. At this time, you can imagine that you are in the forest, sea where
there are spring and birdsong. This thing will help you reduce headache. You
can sleep in some minutes or lie and listen to music and don’t think about
anything to reduce stress. It will help attack not become too violent (you
shouldn’t lie in a long time because it will cause a slight headache).
When you relax and your attack doesn’t
reduce, you should go to the hospital to be cured early. To prevent headache,
you should set up the schedule of working and taking a rest temperately. You
should spend time relaxing (soak body in bathtub with warm water, walking,
jogging, riding bike, breathing deeply, practicing yoga…) to limit the elements
that stimulate headache.
3. Headache because of sleep
Not getting enough sleep, losing sleep, not
having enough sleep and not sleeping deeply can make blood vessels dilated.
They can stimulate nerve strongly and cause headache, especially megrim.

prevent headache because of losing sleep, you should practice the habit of
going to bed and waking up on time.
You need to make up for lost sleep. Eating
and drinking with enough substances will reduce 29% of frequency and 40% of the
level of headache and megrim, ensure health for brain. To prevent headache
because of losing sleep, you should practice the habit of going to bed and
waking up on time. You should do exercise regularly to have deeper sleep. If
you lose sleep, don’t have enough sleep and sleep fitfully, you need to
eliminate the foods that have caffeine in portion.
4. Headache because of lacking water
In summer, your sweat will secrete a lot. You
don’t provide timely or feel hungry, these things can also cause headache or
megrim. If it repeats many times, it can cause stroke.
Avoid eating and drinking the foods that
easily cause headache such as the foods that contain Tyramine amine acid (it
exists in red wine, cheese), nitrate (sausage, processed meat), Phenylalanine
amino acid (chocolate) that can make blood vessels have spasm or dilate
You should also provide protein and
carbohydrate to maintain the content of sugar in blood and reduce attacks in head
effectively. Every day, you should provide enough calcium through foods that
are rich of calcium or multi-vitamin tablet that has magnesium to reduce
If you let your body thirsty or lose water,
it can also cause headache or tiredness. In this case, you should lie and take
a rest in cool, quiet place. You should put your head on pillow lowly, drink a
lot of water to balance body and excrete toxins. You need to provide
physiological bittern (or cold water that is made with a little of salt and sugar)
when your sweat secrete a lot or lose water that can cause headache. You need
to avoid kipping meal and shouldn’t make the distance between 2 meals too far.
5. Smell of flavoring
If you contact a lot with the products that
have smell, especially perfume, it can make you have headache.
If you have headache because of this
reason, you should avoid using perfume or the products that have smell. When
you feel stuffy in the place that has a lot of people, you should quickly find
airy place and drink a cup of water. You can smell the smell of fresh lemon to
take the balance.
6. Headache because of light
Sunlight, fluorescent light, screen from
computer can have big effect to eyesight nerve. They can help release chemical
substances that can cause headache and aching eyes.
To prevent headache because of light, you
should wear sunglasses in summer. People that often have headache should
incandescent lamp in room instead of fluorescent lamp. When you work with
computer, you should keep the safest distance from eyes to screen with over
7. Megrim

is more popular to women than men.
Megrim is more popular to women than men.
People that fear sound or light (the signs such as seeing light spots, blurred
eyes, depression, worrying excessive excitement, saying too much…) and you will
have headache about 20 minutes later.
However, to some people, they don’t have
the signs.
When you have headache, you should try to
have a long and deep sleep and when your wake up, your heath is nearly well
again. If megrim repeats many times (especially heredity), you need to
neurologist specialist to find disease and cure early. If not, it will lead to
depression about spirit or it can lead to the dangerous complications.