Both mother and fetus can be put in peril by
eating disorders during pregnancy.
This is a common phenomenon in the modern
life, but for pregnant women, this is pretty dangerous. The reason is that
people having the diseases can’t be aware of their right weight and shape.
Being obsessed by other people’s measures,
they change their nutrition regimen in a negative way. Of course, it needn’t
discuss more as those people are also the most stubborn on earth because they
never listen to other people’s advice.

eating disorders can become dangerous to mother and fetus in the near future.
There are 2 types of eating disorders: anorexia
and bulimia. While there’s 1 out of 250 women doesn’t want to eat more, there’s
1 out of 50 ones wants to eat as much as possible. This shows that eating
disorders are very popular and increase every day. However, its result can put
people’s life in danger if there’s no timely treatment.
Anorexia doesn’t only occur in teenager
Lately, it’s just been brought up a story
of a pregnant woman who is only 25kg weight and has been a victim of anorexia
since she was a teenager; when teenage, she only weighed 20kg. After 10 years
under positive treatments, she now reaches 57kg.

disorders are dangerous for pregnant women.
But when pregnant, her fear of gaining
weight was risen up. Despite doctor’s advice, that woman was keen on eating no
food just to keep her original shape.
People had to transfer protein to the
pregnant woman’s body to keep her and her fetus alive. Fortunately, the fetus
was born anyway but in 10 weeks early. The mother had to improve her health
condition in the next 14 month before being able to take care of her baby.
Gestational anorexia can lead to unexpected
numerous consequences, such as premature birth, low birth weight, birth
complications, pre-eclampsia or caesarean. In the worse situation, it can lead
to slow development of fetuses in the womb, respiratory issues, stillbirth,
gestational depression, gestational diabetes and miscarriage.

anorexia can lead to unexpected numerous consequences.
Many pregnant women can’t accept the fact
that their bodies gain 10-12.5 kg in pregnancy, which means they have to absorb
2,000 calories a day. This is like a nightmare to them because they have always
had fear about foods.
Bulimia is not so different from anorexia
Despite the name “bulimia”, its symptoms
and results are just as bad as anorexia. People who have bulimia would like to
eat all of what they want and are possible then try to vomit them all by
putting their fingers in the throat to create the vomiting sensation, taking
purgative or making themselves sick.

general, within bulimia, pregnant women’s body and their fetuses still have to
suffer from uncertain effects.
In general, within bulimia, pregnant
women’s body and their fetuses still have to suffer from uncertain effects.
Like anorexia, pregnant women have bulimia
can die if they don’t receive careful treatment. Moreover, the regular vomiting
can also lead to many other dangers to their health and uncertain weight can
lead to hypertension.
A woman told that when young, she had to
eat whenever she felt stressed then she tried to vomit by put her fingers in
her throat. That time, she kept doing the picking throat for over 5 times.
After that, she had a sudden increase in blood pressure and had to be
hospitalized for 2 weeks to prevent premature birth. After giving birth, she
also had to face with breastfeeding difficulty.
Mother-and-child protection
If you find that you have eating disorders,
try your best to fight against it to reserve the health and safety of you and
your fetuses. Most pregnant women who suffered from eating disorders have
healthy children.

You should have recurring pregnancy care and tell your doctor about
your eating difficulties.
It’s because they still remain their weight
sensibly. On other words, psychological status is the biggest obstacle of the
You should have recurring pregnancy care and
tell your doctor about your eating difficulties.
Determine to gain more weight to reserve the
health of you and your fetuses.
Avoid eating harmful foods, have balanced and
nutritious meals.
Find a nutrition expert to receive advice about
a better regimen.
Try to forget vomiting sensation.
Take part in eating disorder therapy.
After pregnancy, you should keep seeing
nutrition experts and doctors… to improve physical and mental health and
overcome postpartum depression as well as have enough strength to do
Do you have eating disorders?

extremely obsessed with your weight and afraid of obesity in spite of the fact
that everybody says you’re slim.
You can have the disease if you:
Require absolute completeness and feel upset
when you can’t get what you want, which lead you to the feeling that eating is
only thing controllable.
Sometimes think about foods.
Are extremely obsessed with your weight and
afraid of obesity in spite of the fact that everybody says you’re thin.
Make a list of inhibited foods and try to eat
less of them.
Do exercise too much; usually, you won’t let
anyone knows as you’re afraid that they will stop you.
Make yourself sick.
Use weight loss pill or purgative.