The uterus in pregnancy increases 500-1,000
times as large as normal. Fetuses can feel smells in 32nd week.
In the 3rd term of pregnancy,
though you can feel more tired and the body is heavier, you and your fetuses
have been through 2 thirds of the path. Soon you family will be glad to welcome
a new dear member. In the remained one thirds, there’re changes that cause discomfort
to pregnant women. However, the surprising changes on pregnant women’s bodies
will create good conditions for the marvelous developments of fetuses, to
complete their organs and prepare for the adjustment to the new environment
outside the womb.
Changes in pregnant women’s bodies
5kg is the general weight that you will
gain during the last 3 months in which there’re 4kg for fetal developments; the
rest is for the developments of sub-sections like the placentas, amniotic
fluid, the increase of blood and water for the developments of uteruses and
breasts. At the same time, the level of fats in pregnant women keeps on
increasing along fetal growths.

will find it hard to walk in the last months of pregnancy because the strained
and weakened ligaments.
Pregnant women’s breathing capacity
increase from 3 pins/minute to 5 pins/minute (40% higher than normal). It’s due
to the decrease of movements of diaphragms by the time fetuses get bigger in
the womb, making pregnant women have to take deep breath in order to have
enough oxygen.
The need of oxygen of pregnant women and
fetuses will increase 20% as high as usual.
The breast starts secreting young milk from
the 30th week of pregnancy. This is considered to be first foods of
infants after birth.
Your belly button will get protruding,
because the fast growths of fetuses, making the abdomen overwhelmingly
increased, which goes with the Linea Nigra, making your bump looked bigger.
The uterus start having contractions from
the 30th week as it practices for the labor. The contractions are
called Braxton Hicks contractions lasting for about 30 seconds; you hardly recognize
Your vision will be weakened, different
from normal and the focus is also changed making you easy to stumble and drop
stuffs. The reason is the gravity balancing at the front of the belly making
your body tend to lean backward, so does your head.
You are always nervous, worried and hurry
to finish things. This is called the nestling instinct which often occurs during
the time before the labor.
In the 40th week, your uterus
increases 500-1000 times as big as normal.
The marvelous developments of fetuses
Do you know anything about drinks that your
fetuses are used to drinking during the time in the womb? That is amniotic
fluid. Your fetuses will excrete half a liter of the urine a day into the
amniotic fluid. The whole amount of the amniotic fluid is continuously
regenerated and expropriated every 3 hour. Therefore, pregnant women should
maintain drinking lots of water to keep the amniotic fluid stable.

swallow the amniotic fluid and discharge half of a liter of the urine a day
into the amniotic.
In 28th week, fetal eyelids
start opening, looking and focusing. However, their vision is limited from
20-25 cm, which seems to be related to the fact that they’re in the womb.
From 28th to 32nd
weeks, fetuses increase about 500g a week, for which you suddenly look bigger
and find your prenatal clothes tight. The amniotic fluid is always at 37 degree
Celsius, a little bit warmer than pregnant women’s body, making fetuses warm
during the time the fats are forming in their bodies.
In 30th week, fetal neural
systems rapidly develop; brains get bigger, start having folding and
corrugating like pecans. They start having the ability to acknowledge and
conduct complex actions. The fetuses also get bigger. The fair, eyebrows,
eyelashes are grown. To male fetuses, testicles will go to inguinal areas then
to the scrotum. They start controlling their temperature. Some fetuses who
develop rapidly can turn their head around from the week goes in order to
prepare for the early labor. Pregnant women who have off-springs are often been
through the situation.
From the 32nd to 35th
weeks, the ability to sense smells has developed since they came to the 32nd
week. And the fetuses increase 250g each week since then. Brain also develops
very fast with the head penumbra increasing 2.5 cm a week. Fetal weight will
increase to 2.46kg in the 35th week. Pregnant women can be sure that
the labor happening in the 35th week has the chance of surviving
increased to 99%.
In the 36th week, most of
fetuses have moved to the pelvic area; there’re only 2.5% fetuses having their
head above the pelvis.

the 37th week, fetuses are totally grown up and ready for
anticipating to the animated world.
In 40th week – the last stage of
pregnancy, fetuses will have the size of big dishes, about 20-25cm length,
2-3cm turbidity and about 650g weight. The placenta secrete hormones making the
breast get strained and bigger by milk; making male and female fetuses bloat up
and deflated after birth. To female fetuses, the end of secreting the hormones
can lead to a light bleeding in the vagina, which will automatically recover
after a few days.
At the end of the stage, the testicles of
male fetuses start moving under while the ovaries of female fetuses are still
above the edge of the pelvis; they will move to the official location after
birth. At the time, there’ll be 95% fetuses having anterior positions, 4%
having breech position and 1% have posterior position. Pregnant women should
know that the due date is just conjectural because there’re only 5% infants
given birth exactly at the expecting day.