Leucorrhoea, also known as whites, is the
discharge from the female genital organ, usually appears from the age of
Discover leucorrhoea
According to the statistics from the
Ministry of Health, nearly 90% women get gynaecological disease. This rate
increases from 15% to 27% each year. It is noticeable that not only married
women but also young women who have
never had sex are no exception to this disease.

to the statistics from the Ministry of Health, nearly 90% women get
gynaecological disease.
Leucorrhoea, also
known as whites, is the discharge from the female genitals, usually appears
from the age of puberty. The discharge plays an important role in keeping the
vaginal environment certainly moist, helping to prevent pathogens and creating
favorable conditions for sperm moving to the uterus.
Normally, leucorrhoea is secreted stably
based on the excretion of estrogen and progesterone hormone in a woman body
(about 1 day before ovulation day, the volume of leucorrhoea is biggest). For a
certain reason, the bigger amount of leucorrhoea, color and smell different
than usual also is called pathological leucorrhoea.
The main
Pathological leucorrhoea or whites occurs
mainly due to bacterial infection, fungal infection and protozoa infection in
the genital organ.
Leucorrhoea by Candida albicans: milky white,
sticky junk, sometimes foul smell, accompanied by itch in the vulva.
Leucorrhoea by infection of Trichomonas
Vaginalis: yellow-green colour, thin, foamy, big amount, accompanied by symptom
of burning pain in the vulva.
Leucorrhoea by variety of bacteria: yellow or
gray, thin, coated equally into the vagina, foul smell.
Other cases: The patient involved in 3 above
causes, accompanied by infection of genital organ. There are other causes of
leucorrhoea such as cervicitis in cervical ectropion, metrofibroma, uterine
helping prevent leucorrhoea
Daily vaginal hygiene, cleaning water,
selecting appropriate feminine wash, wearing comfortable underwear, having safe
and healthy sex... will be positive factors reducing risk of whites for women.

vaginal hygiene, cleaning water, selecting appropriate feminine wash, wearing
comfortable underwear
Another remarkable subjects are women in
pre-menopause age at this age, women easily get the leucorrhoea due to decline
of sex hormone (estrogen) making the surface of vulva dry, irritated and
susceptible to disease. Women at this age need to know how to care for health
properly such as using foods or drugs that enhance the hormone (estrogen) for
the body...
corollaries of leucorrhoea
Having this disease makes women lose
confidence in communication as well as in life. However, many women having
leucorrhoea usually hesitate to share with others, until it becomes serious,
they go to see the doctor. Gynaecological infection untreated for long time or
treated improperly can make infection spreads to fallopian tube, causing fallopian
tube infection, be difficult to conceive and can lead to infertility. Pregnant
women have gynecological diseases, corollary is dystocia, easy miscarriage,
affecting fetal development, and the worst is death.

are easy to get genital disease.
Leucorrhoea treatment
The detection and treatment of leucorrhoea
is not complicated through pathological signs as well as culturing samples and
other professional knowledge of the physicians and doctors.
The treatment should be combined with
prevention measures, sometimes need to treat the partner also to avoid