Plank knee-tuck
Areas trained
Stomach, shoulders, legs
Begin in plank position with your hips lifted
slightly higher than your shoulders and your back straight.
Jump your feet forward, lifting your hips and
bringing your knees toward your chest. Keep your hands in the same place on the
Jump your feet back, straightening your legs and
landing in the start position.

Areas trained
Thighs, bottom, shoulders, stomach
Begin in a squat position, holding a kettlebell
or the top of a dumbbell with both hands (keeping your arms straight) in the
space between your legs.
Push through your hips and knees, lifting your
chest upwards, and use this momentum to swing the weight up to chest height.
Keep your arms straight.
Immediately squat down again, swinging the
weight between your legs, and repeat in a continuous motion.

Squat and upright row
Areas trained
Legs, bottom, shoulders, upper back
Start standing with your feet hip-width apart,
holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides.
Squat down so that your hips are just slightly
higher than your knees.
Straighten your legs, and at the same time bring
your hands up to your shoulders, pulling your elbows out to the sides.
Lower your arms and repeat.

Press and knee raise
Areas trained
Rear upper arms, shoulders
Begin with your feet about hip-width apart,
holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
Press your right hand straight up, and at the
same time bend your left knee to 90 degrees, level with your hip.
Lower your arms and leg then repeat on the other

Skater jump
Areas trained
Thighs, bottom
Begin standing with your knees slightly bent and
your arms hanging by your sides.
Stretch out your right leg and squat down so
there’s a slight bend in your left leg, jumping up and landing with your right
leg bent and your left leg
Push through your left leg, jumping up and
landing with your right leg bent and your left leg straight. Repeat.